Project Object Members
Project Developer Reference |
The Project object represents a project that is open in Microsoft Office Project 2007.
Name | Description | |
Activate | Activates the object, making this project the active project. | |
AppendNotes | Appends new text to the Notes field. | |
CheckIn | Returns the working copy of the project from a local computer to the Windows SharePoint Services server, and sets the local project to read-only so that it cannot be edited locally. Calling this method will also close the project. | |
DeliverableAcceptChanges | Accepts the changes on the server for a Deliverable. | |
DeliverableCreate | Creates a Deliverable for a published project that has a project workspace. | |
DeliverableDelete | Deletes the Deliverable. | |
DeliverableDependencyCreate | Creates a Dependency on a Deliverable and links the Dependency to a Task in the project. | |
DeliverableDependencyDelete | Deletes the Dependency on the Deliverable. | |
DeliverableLinkToProject | Links a deliverable or a dependency to a project | |
DeliverableLinkToTask | Links a deliverable to a task. | |
DeliverableRefreshServerCache | Checks for updates on the server and refreshes the cache for deliverable and dependencies for the project. | |
DeliverablesGetByProject | Gets all deliverables for a project. | |
DeliverablesGetProviderProjects | Returns a list of all of the projects that have deliverables. | |
DeliverablesGetServerCachedXml | Gets the XML for all the deliverables and the dependencies from the server. | |
DeliverablesGetXml | Gets the XML for all the deliverables and dependencies from the client. | |
DeliverableUpdate | Updates the properties of a deliverable. | |
GetDisplayNameFromObjectMatchingID | Returns the display name of an object. | |
GetObjectMatchingID | Returns the Matching ID of an object. | |
GetServerProjectGuid | Returns the GUID for the enterprise project. | |
GetTaskIndexByGuid | The description for this item will appear in the final release of Office 2007. | |
GetWinprojURLs | Returns the various URLs associated with the active enterprise project as an XML string. | |
ImportResourceErrorCount | Returns the number of errors generated by a resource import operation. | |
LevelClearDates | Sets the leveling range to include the entire project. | |
LocalResourceCount | Returns the number of local resources in the project. | |
LocalResourceErrorCount | Returns the number of local resource errors. | |
MakeServerURLTrusted | This method adds the Server URL specified in the Project.ServerURL property to the trusted sites Web content zone of Microsoft Internet Explorer. | |
ReadWssData | Returns the Project Workspace URLs for the active enterprise project as an XML string. | |
ResourceCount | Returns the number of resources in the project. | |
ResourceErrorCount | Returns the number of resource errors. | |
SaveAs | Saves a file that is not the active project under a new file name. | |
SetObjectMatchingID | Sets the Matching ID of an object. |
Name | Description | |
AcceptNewExternalData | True if new or changed data relating to an external task is automatically accepted when the project is opened. Read/write if the ShowCrossProjectLinksInfo property is False. Read-only Boolean. | |
AdministrativeProject | True if the project is an administrative project. Read/write Boolean. | |
AllowTaskDelegation | True if Project Server users can delegate tasks to other resources in the project. Read/write Boolean. | |
AndMoveCompleted | True if the actual, completed portion of a task that is scheduled before the status date is moved to end at the status date. Read/Write Boolean. | |
AndMoveRemaining | True if the remaining work on a task that is scheduled after the status date is moved to start at the status date. Read/Write Boolean. | |
Application | Returns an Application object. Read-only Object. | |
AskForCompletedWork | Returns or sets how completed work should be reported in TeamStatus messages. Can be one of the following PjTeamStatusCompletedWork constants: pjBrokenDownByDay, pjBrokenDownByWeek, or pjTotalForEntirePeriod. Read/write Long | |
AutoAddResources | True if new resources are automatically created as they are assigned. False if 1st_Project12 prompts before creating new resources. Read/write Boolean. | |
AutoCalcCosts | True if actual costs are always calculated by 1st_Project12. False if users can enter actual costs, and actual costs are never calculated by 2nd_Project12. Read/write Boolean. | |
AutoFilter | Returns or sets whether AutoFilter is turned on for a Project object. Read/write Boolean. | |
AutoLinkTasks | True if 1st_Project12 automatically links sequential tasks when you cut, move, or insert tasks. Read/write Boolean. | |
AutoSplitTasks | True if 1st_Project12 automatically splits tasks into parts for work complete and work remaining. Read/write Boolean. | |
AutoTrack | True if 1st_Project12 automatically updates the work and costs of a task's resources when the task's percent complete changes. Read/write Boolean. | |
BaseCalendars | Returns a Calendars collection representing all base calendars in the active project. Read-only Object. | |
BaselineSavedDate | Returns the last saved baseline date. Read-only Variant. | |
BuiltinDocumentProperties | Returns a DocumentProperties collection representing the built-in properties of the document. Read-only Object. | |
Calendar | Returns a Calendar object representing a calendar for a Project. Read-only Object. | |
CanCheckIn | True if Project can check in a specified project to Project. Read-only Boolean. | |
CodeName | Returns the code name for the project. Read-only String. | |
CommandBars | Returns a CommandBars collection that represents all the command bars in the project. Read-only Object. | |
Container | Returns the object that contains the specified embedded project. Read-only Object. | |
CreationDate | Returns the date a project was created. Read-only Variant. | |
CurrencyCode | Project property for the three-character ISO standard currency code of the project. Read/write String. | |
CurrencyDigits | Sets or returns the number of digits following the decimal separator character in currency values. Read/write Integer. | |
CurrencySymbol | Returns or sets the characters that denote currency values. Read/write String. | |
CurrencySymbolPosition | Returns or sets the location of the currency symbol. Can be one of the following PjPlacement constants: pjBefore, pjAfter, pjBeforeWithSpace, or pjAfterWithSpace. Read/write Long. | |
CurrentDate | Returns or sets the current date for a project. Read/write Variant. | |
CurrentFilter | Returns the name of the active filter for a project. Read-only String. | |
CurrentGroup | Returns the name of the active group for the active project. Read-only String. | |
CurrentTable | Returns the name of the active table for a project. Read-only String. | |
CurrentView | Returns the name of the active view for a project. Read-only String. | |
CustomDocumentProperties | Returns a DocumentProperties collection representing the custom properties of the document. Read-only Object. | |
DatabaseProjectUniqueID | Returns the project unique ID for a project stored in a database. Read/write Variant. | |
DayLabelDisplay | Returns or sets the abbreviation for "day" that is displayed for values such as durations, delays, slack, and work. Read/write Integer. | |
DaysPerMonth | Returns or sets the number of days per month for tasks in a project. Read/write Double. | |
DefaultDurationUnits | Returns or sets the default duration units. Can be one of the following PjUnit constants: pjMinute, pjHour, pjDay, pjWeek, or pjMonthUnit. Read/write Long. | |
DefaultEarnedValueMethod | Returns or sets the default method for calculating earned value for a project. Can be one of the following PjEarnedValueMethod constants: pjPercentComplete or pjPhysicalPercentComplete. Read/write Long. | |
DefaultEffortDriven | True if new tasks are effort-driven by default. Read/write Boolean. | |
DefaultFinishTime | Returns or sets the default time for finish fields. Read/write Variant. | |
DefaultFixedCostAccrual | Returns or sets the default method used to accrue fixed task costs in the project. Can be one of the following PjAccrueAt constants: pjStart, pjEnd, or pjProrated. Read/write Long. | |
DefaultResourceOvertimeRate | Returns or sets the default overtime rate of pay for resources. Read/write Variant. | |
DefaultResourceStandardRate | Returns or sets the default standard rate of pay for resources. Read/write Variant. | |
DefaultStartTime | Returns or sets the default time for start fields. Read/write Variant. | |
DefaultTaskType | Returns or sets the default task type. Can be one of the following PjTaskFixedType constants: pjFixedDuration, pjFixedUnits, or pjFixedWork. Read/write Long. | |
DefaultWorkUnits | Returns or sets the default work units. Can be one of the following PjUnit constants: pjMinute, pjHour, pjDay, pjWeek, or pjMonthUnit. Read/write Long. | |
DisplayProjectSummaryTask | True if the summary task for a project is visible. Read/write Boolean. | |
DocumentLibraryVersions | Returns a DocumentLibraryVersions object for the specified project. Read-only Object. | |
EarnedValueBaseline | Returns or sets the method for calculating earned value for a task. Can be one of the following PjEarnedValueMethod constants: pjPercentComplete or pjPhysicalPercentComplete. Read/write Long. | |
EnterpriseActualsSynched | True if the actual work or actual overtime in a project is synchronized with the actual work or actual overtime that has been submitted and updated from the timesheet system. Read/write Boolean. | |
ExpandDatabaseTimephasedData | True if timephased data is expanded to a readable format in the database. False if timephased data is in a compressed binary format. Read/write Boolean. | |
FollowedHyperlinkColor | Returns or sets the color used to denote followed hyperlinks. Read/write Long. | |
FullName | Returns the path and file name of a project. Read-only String. | |
HasPassword | True if a project has a password. Read-only Boolean. | |
HonorConstraints | True if tasks honor their constraint dates. Read/write Boolean. | |
HourLabelDisplay | Returns or sets the abbreviation for "hour" that is displayed for values such as durations, delays, slack, and work. Read/write Integer. | |
HoursPerDay | Returns or sets the number of hours per day for tasks in a project. Read/write Double. | |
HoursPerWeek | Returns or sets the number of hours per week for tasks in a project. Read/write Double. | |
HyperlinkColor | Returns or sets the color used to denote unfollowed hyperlinks. Read/write Long. | |
ID | Returns the identification number of a project. Read-only Long. | |
Index | Returns the index of an object in its containing collection. Read-only VariantLong. | |
IsTemplate | Read/write. | |
LastPrintedDate | Returns the date a project was last printed. Read-only Variant. | |
LastSaveDate | Returns the date a project was last saved. Read-only Variant. | |
LastSavedBy | Returns the name of the user who last saved a project. Read-only String. | |
LevelEntireProject | True if the entire project is leveled. False if only overallocated resources within specified dates are leveled. Read/write Boolean. | |
LevelFromDate | Returns or sets the starting date of a range in which overallocated resources are leveled. The default is the project start date or the last entered date value. Read/write Variant. | |
LevelToDate | Returns or sets the ending date of a range in which overallocated resources are leveled. The default is the project finish date or the last entered date value. Read/write Variant. | |
MapList | Returns a List object representing the maps in the active project. Read-only object. | |
MinuteLabelDisplay | Returns or sets the abbreviation for "minute" that is displayed for values such as durations, delays, slack, and work. Read/write Integer. | |
MonthLabelDisplay | Returns or sets the abbreviation for "month" that is displayed for values such as durations, delays, slack, and work. Read/write Integer. | |
MoveCompleted | True if a task that is scheduled after the status date has actual progress entered against it and the actual, completed portion of the task is moved so the completed work ends on the status date. Read/Write Boolean. | |
MoveRemaining | True if the remaining portion of a task that is scheduled before the status date is moved to start at the status date. Read/Write Boolean. | |
MultipleCriticalPaths | True if 1st_Project12 calculates multiple critical paths for the project. False if only one critical path is calculated. Read/write Boolean. | |
Name | Returns the name of a Project object. Read-only String. | |
NewTasksEstimated | True if new tasks in the active project have estimated durations. Read/write Boolean. | |
NumberOfResources | Returns the number of resources in a project, not including blank entries. Read-only Long. | |
NumberOfTasks | Returns the number of tasks in a project, not including blank entries. Read-only Long. | |
OutlineChildren | Returns a Tasks collection representing the children of a task in the outline. Read-only Object. | |
OutlineCodes | Returns an OutlineCodes collection of all outline codes in the project file. Read-only Object. | |
Parent | Returns the parent of the object. Read-only Object. | |
Path | Returns the path of the open project. Read-only String. | |
PhoneticType | Returns or sets the type of characters used to display phonetic information. Can be one of the following PjPhoneticType constants: pjKatakanaHalf, pjKatakana, or pjHiragana. The PhoneticType property produces tangible results only if the Japanese version of 1st_Project12is used. Read/write Long. | |
ProjectFinish | Returns or sets the finish date for a project. Setting ProjectFinish also causes the project to be scheduled from its finish date. This has the same effect as setting the ScheduleFromStart property to False. Read/write Variant. | |
ProjectGuideContent | Returns or sets the name of the XML schema being used by the Project Guide. Read/write String. | |
ProjectGuideFunctionalLayoutPage | Returns or sets the Project Guide functionality and layout page for the specified project. Read/write String. | |
ProjectGuideSaveBuffer | Returns or sets an XML string representing the save buffer of the Project Guide. Read/write String. | |
ProjectGuideUseDefaultContent | True if the Project Guide uses the 1st_Project12 default content. False if you want to use custom content for the Project Guide. Read/write Boolean. | |
ProjectGuideUseDefaultFunctionalLayoutPage | True if 1st_Project12 uses the default Project Guide. False if you are customizing the Project Guide. Read/write Boolean. | |
ProjectNamePrefix | Returns the prefix of the project name of the specified project. Read-only String. | |
ProjectNotes | Returns or sets the notes for the project. Read/write String. | |
ProjectServerUsedForTracking | True if Project Server is used for tracking the specified project. Read/write Boolean. | |
ProjectStart | Returns or sets the start date for a project. Setting ProjectStart also causes the project to be scheduled from its start date. This has the same effect as setting the ScheduleFromStart property to True. Read/write Variant. | |
ProjectSummaryTask | Returns a Task object representing the project summary task for the active project. Read-only Object. | |
PublishInformationOnSave | Returns or sets the type of information published upon saving. Can be one of the following PjPublishInformationOnSave constants: pjPublishNoSummary, pjPublishSummaryAndPlan, or pjPublishSummaryOnly. Read/write Long. | |
ReadOnly | True if a project has read-only access. Read-only Boolean. | |
ReadOnlyRecommended | True if the project should be opened with read-only access. Read-only Boolean. | |
ReceiveNotifications | True if the manager receives notification when new messages arrive in the WebInbox. Read/write Boolean. | |
RemoveFileProperties | True if 1st_Project12 removes user information from revisions and the Properties dialog box upon saving a document. Read/write Boolean. | |
ReportList | Returns a List object representing the reports in the active project. Read-only Object. | |
ResourceFilterList | Returns a List object representing all resource filters in the active project. Read-only Object. | |
ResourceFilters | Returns a Filters collection representing the resource filters of a specified project. Read-only. | |
ResourceGroupList | Returns a List object representing the resource groups in the active project. Read-only Object. | |
ResourceGroups | Returns a ResourceGroups collection representing all the resource-based group definitions in the specified project. Read-only Object. | |
ResourcePoolName | Returns the file name of the resource pool used by a project. If the project is not using a resource pool, returns the name of the project. Read-only String. | |
Resources | Returns a Resources collection representing the resources in a Project. Read-only Object. | |
ResourceTableList | Returns a List object representing all resource tables in the active project. Read-only Object. | |
ResourceTables | Returns a Tables collection representing the resource tables of the specified project. Read-only. | |
ResourceViewList | Returns a List object representing all resource views in the active project. Read-only Object. | |
RevisionNumber | Returns the number of times a project has been saved. Read-only String. | |
Saved | True if a project has not changed since it was last saved. Read-only Boolean. | |
ScheduleFromStart | True if 1st_Project12 calculates projects forward from their start dates. False if 2nd_Project12 calculates projects backward from their finish dates. Read/write Boolean. | |
SendHyperlinkNote | True if resources receive e-mail notification when new mail arrives in their TeamInbox. Read/write Boolean. | |
ServerIdentification | Returns or sets how 1st_Project12 users are identified to the Project Server. Can be one of the following PjAuthentication constants: pjWindowsUserAccount or pjUserName. Read/write Long. | |
ServerURL | Returns or sets the URL of the Web server for workgroup messages. Read/write String. | |
SharedWorkspace | Returns a SharedWorkspace object that represents the Document Workspace in which a specified document is located. Read-only. | |
ShowCriticalSlack | Returns or sets how much slack causes a task to be displayed as a critical task. Read/write Long. | |
ShowCrossProjectLinksInfo | True if the Links between Projects dialog box appears when a project containing cross-project links is opened. Read-only Boolean. | |
ShowEstimatedDuration | True if task durations in the active project (Project object) are displayed with the estimated character. Read/write Boolean. | |
ShowExternalPredecessors | True if predecessors linked from an external project should be displayed. Read-only Boolean. | |
ShowExternalSuccessors | True if successors linked from an external project should be displayed. Read-only Boolean. | |
SpaceBeforeTimeLabels | True if a time value should be separated from its time label by a space. Read/write Boolean. | |
SpreadCostsToStatusDate | True if edits to total actual cost are spread to the status date, or the current date if the status date is "NA". False if they are spread to the calculated stop date of the task. Read/write Boolean. | |
SpreadPercentCompleteToStatusDate | True if edits to total task percent complete are spread to the status date, or the current date if the status date is "NA". False if they are spread to the calculated stop date of the task. Read/write Boolean. | |
StartOnCurrentDate | True if tasks start on the current date. False if tasks start on the project start date. Read/write Boolean. | |
StartWeekOn | Returns or sets the first day of the week for the specified project in a Project object. Can be one of the PjWeekday constants. Read/write Long. | |
StartYearIn | Returns or sets the start of the fiscal year for a specified project in a Project object. Read/write Long. Can be one of the PjMonth constants. | |
StatusDate | Returns or sets the current status date for the project. If there is no status date, returns "NA". Read/write Variant. | |
Subprojects | The description for this member will appear in the final release of Office 2007. | |
TaskErrorCount | Read/write. | |
TaskFilterList | Returns a List object representing all task filters in the active project. Read-only Object . | |
TaskFilters | Returns a Filters collection representing the task filters of the specified project. Read-only Object. | |
TaskGroupList | Returns a List object representing the task groups in the active project. Read-only Object . | |
TaskGroups | Returns a TaskGroups collection representing all the task-based group definitions in the specified project. Read-only Object. | |
Tasks | Returns a Tasks collection representing the tasks in the active project. Read-only Object. | |
TaskTableList | Returns a List object representing all task tables in the active project. Read-only Object. | |
TaskTables | Returns a Tables collection representing the task tables of a project. Read-only Object. | |
TaskViewList | Returns a List object representing all task views in the active project. Read-only Object. | |
TeamMembersCanDeclineTasks | True if team members can decline tasks when sent via TeamAssign messages. Read/write Boolean. | |
Template | Returns the name of the template associated with a project. Read-only String. | |
TrackingMethod | Returns or sets the tracking method used by Project Server for a specified project. Can be one of the following PjProjectServerTrackingMethod constants: pjTrackingMethodDefault, pjTrackingMethodPercentComplete, pjTrackingMethodSpecifyHours, or pjTrackingMethodTotalAndRemaining. Read/write Long. | |
TrackOvertimeWork | True if TeamStatus messages prompt for overtime work. Read/write Boolean. | |
Type | Returns or sets the project type of a project. Can be one of the following PjProjectType constants: pjProjectTypeEnterpriseCheckedOut, pjProjectTypeEnterpriseGlobalCheckedOut, pjProjectTypeEnterpriseGlobalInMemory, pjProjectTypeEnterpriseReadOnly, pjProjectTypeEnterpriseResourcesCheckedOut, pjProjectTypeEnterpriseGlobalLocal, pjProjectTypeNonEnterprise, or pjProjectTypeUnsaved. Read/write Long. | |
UnderlineHyperlinks | True if hyperlinks are underlined. Read/write Boolean. | |
UniqueID | Returns the unique identification number of a Project. Read-only Long. | |
UpdateProjOnSave | True if Project updates the specified project when saving a file. Read/write Boolean. | |
UseFYStartYear | True if a fiscal year is determined by the year of the first month of that fiscal year. False if determined by the last month of the fiscal year. Read/write Boolean. | |
UserControl | True if the project was opened or created by the user. Read-only Boolean. | |
VBASigned | True if the Visual Basic for Applications project for the specified project has been digitally signed. Read/write Boolean. | |
VBProject | Returns a VBProject object that represents the Visual Basic project in the specified project. Read-only Object. | |
VersionName | Returns the version name of the specified project. Read-only String. | |
ViewList | Returns a collection of open views in a List object. Read-only Object. | |
Views | Returns a Views collection representing the views of the specified project. Read-only Object. | |
ViewsCombination | Returns a ViewsCombination collection representing the combination views of a specified project. Read-only Object. | |
ViewsSingle | Returns a ViewsSingle collection representing the single views of the specified project. Read-only Object. | |
WBSCodeGenerate | True if a WBS code is automatically generated for new tasks. Read/write Boolean. | |
WBSVerifyUniqueness | True if an edited WBS code is verified to be unique. Read/write Boolean. | |
WeekLabelDisplay | Returns or sets the abbreviation for "week" that is displayed for values such as durations, delays, slack, and work. Read/write Integer. | |
Windows | Returns a Windows collection representing the open windows in the active project. Read-only Object. | |
Windows2 | Returns a Windows2 collection representing the open windows in the project. Read-only Object. | |
WorkgroupMessages | Returns or sets the default for how workgroup messages will be sent to new resources. Can be one of the following PjWorkgroupMessages constants: pjDefaultMessages, pjNoWorkgroupMessages, pjWorkgroupViaEmail, pjWorkgroupViaEmailAndWeb, or pjWorkgroupViaWeb. Read/write Long. | |
WriteReserved | True if a password is required to open a project for read/write access. Read-only Boolean. | |
YearLabelDisplay | Returns or sets how the year label displays in rates. Read/write Integer. |
Name | Description | |
Activate | Occurs when switching to the project from another project, including when the project is opened or created. | |
BeforeClose | Occurs before closing a project. | |
BeforePrint | Occurs before printing a project. | |
BeforeSave | Occurs before saving a project. | |
Calculate | Occurs when Project calculates the schedule. | |
Change | Occurs when a change is made to data in the project. An action affecting several items at once is considered to be one change. | |
Deactivate | Occurs when switching from the current project to another project, including when the project is closed. This event is the last event to occur for a project, including the BeforeClose event. | |
Open | Occurs when the project opens, but before the Activate event. |