Returns or sets the actual duration (in minutes) of a task. Read-only for summary tasks. Read/write Variant.
expression A variable that represents a Task object.
The following example marks the tasks in the active project that have actual durations that exceed a specified number of minutes.
Visual Basic for Applications
Sub MarkLongDurationTasks()
Dim T As Task ' Task object used in For Each loop
Dim Minutes As Long ' Duration entered by user
' Prompt user for the actual duration, in minutes.
Minutes = Val(InputBox$("Enter the actual duration, in minutes: "))
' Don't do anything if the InputBox$ was cancelled.
If Minutes = 0 Then Exit Sub
' Cycle through the tasks of the active project.
For Each T In ActiveProject.Tasks
' Mark a task if it exceeds the duration.
If T.<strong class="bterm">ActualDuration</strong> > Minutes Then T.Marked = True
Next T