file Element [Office 2003 SDK Documentation]

Specifies the information for a single file that is included with an XML expansion pack.



Element Properties

Property Value
Name file 
Data Type ComplexType 
Minimum Occurrences
Maximum Occurrences Unbounded 
Default Value N/A 
Abstract False 
Nillable False 
Element Constraints Sequence 

Parent Elements


Child Elements

Element Required/Optional Description
runFromServer  Optional  Specifies that the file runs from the server rather than being installed locally on the user's computer.
type  Required  Specifies the type of file.
managed  Optional  Specifies whether the code in a code component is written by using a .NET-compatible language.
application  Optional  Specifies the application in which a COM component runs.
version  Required  Specifies the version number for the file.
filePath  Required  Specifies the path for the file.
installPath  Optional  Specifies the installation path on the user's computer. If the runFromServer element is present, you may not use this element.
CLSID  Optional  Specifies the GUID for a COM component as shown in the registry.
CLSNAME  Optional  Specifies the name of a managed component as shown in the registry.
PROGID  Optional  Specifies the program identifier for a code component as shown in the registry.
templateID  Optional  Specifies a unique identifier for a template file. The templateID element is required when the updateFrequency element is present.
regsvr32  Optional  Specifies that the component should be installed in the user's registry by using Regsvr32.exe.
registry  Optional  Specifies the registry information that gets created when a file is installed.