sectPr element (bodyElt complexType) [Word 2003 XML Reference] --  Microsoft Office Word 2003 XML Software Development Kit

sectPr element (bodyElt complexType) [Word 2003 XML Reference]

Represents the section properties for the very last section in the document.


<sectPr />

Element Information

Element type sectPrElt
Schema name XML Document 2003

Elements and Attributes

Parent Elements

Element Description
body Contains the body of the document.

Child Elements

Element Description
hdr Represents the headers that appear at the top of pages in this section.
ftr Represents the footers that appear at the bottom of pages in this section.
footnotePr Represents the footnote properties for this section.
endnotePr Represents the endnote properties for this section.
type Represents the section type.
pgSz Specifies the size and orientation of this page.
pgMar Specifies the page margins.
paperSrc Specifies where the paper is located in the printer.
pgBorders Specifies the page borders.
lnNumType Specifies the line numbering.
pgNumType Specifies the page-numbering options.
cols Specifies the column properties for this section. If all the columns are of the same width, you need only to specify the number of columns (in the num attribute) and the space between columns (in the space attribute).
formProt Turns protection on for this section alone.
vAlign Sets alignment for text vertically between the top and bottom margins.
noEndnote Suppresses endnotes that would ordinarily appear at the end of this section.
titlePg Specifies that the first page of this section is different and will have different headers and footers.
textFlow Specifies the text flow.
bidi Specifies that this section contains bidirectional (complex scripts) text.
rtlGutter Positions the gutter at the right of the document.
docGrid Specifies the document grid.
aml:annotation See external namespace.




<xsd:element name="sectPr" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" type="sectPrElt" >

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