Moving/Copying Objects Using CDOEX
Moving/Copying Objects Using CDOEX
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Visual C++
Note The following example uses a file URL with the Exchange OLE DB (ExOLEDB) provider. The ExOLEDB provider also supports The HTTP: URL Scheme. Using The HTTP: URL Scheme allows both client and server applications to use a single URL scheme.
// Move/Copy objects using CDOEX // Modify the code where you see TODO and make sure the objects or properties exist. #include <activeds.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <conio.h> #import <msado15.dll> no_namespace rename("EOF","adoEOF") #import <cdoex.dll> no_namespace struct StartOle { StartOle() { CoInitialize(NULL); } ~StartOle() { CoUninitialize(); } } _inst_StartOle; void dump_com_error(_com_error &e) { printf("Oops - hit an error!\n"); printf("\tCode = %08lx\n", e.Error()); printf("\tCode meaning = %s\n", e.ErrorMessage()); _bstr_t bstrSource(e.Source()); _bstr_t bstrDescription(e.Description()); printf("\tSource = %s\n", (LPCTSTR) bstrSource); printf("\tDescription = %s\n", (LPCTSTR) bstrDescription); } void CopyMoveObjects(_bstr_t strDomainName, _bstr_t strLocalPathOfSourceObject, _bstr_t strLocalPathOfDestFolder, bool bOption); HRESULT GetDomainName(BSTR * bstrDomainName); void main(void) { _bstr_t strDomainName; _bstr_t strLocalPathOfSourceObject; _bstr_t strLocalPathOfDestFolder; _bstr_t strUser; HRESULT hr = S_OK; BSTR bstrDomainDNSName; // Get your domain name. hr = GetDomainName(&bstrDomainDNSName); strDomainName = (_bstr_t)bstrDomainDNSName; // TODO strUser = "user1"; // Sample 1: Move files in MBX. strLocalPathOfSourceObject = "MBX/" + strUser + "/Outbox/TestFolder/Hello.txt"; strLocalPathOfDestFolder = "MBX/" + strUser + "/Deleted Items"; CopyMoveObjects(strDomainName, strLocalPathOfSourceObject, strLocalPathOfDestFolder, true); // Sample 2: Copy folders in MBX. strLocalPathOfSourceObject = "MBX/" + strUser + "/Outbox/TestFolder"; strLocalPathOfDestFolder = "MBX/" + strUser + "/Deleted Items"; CopyMoveObjects(strDomainName, strLocalPathOfSourceObject, strLocalPathOfDestFolder, false); // Sample 3: Move folders in Public Folders. strLocalPathOfSourceObject = "Public Folders/SourceFolder"; strLocalPathOfDestFolder = "Public Folders/DestFolder"; CopyMoveObjects(strDomainName, strLocalPathOfSourceObject, strLocalPathOfDestFolder, true); } // CopyMove Objects // bOption: // True : move // False: copy void CopyMoveObjects(_bstr_t strDomainName, _bstr_t strLocalPathOfSourceObject, _bstr_t strLocalPathOfDestFolder, bool bOption) { _ConnectionPtr conn(__uuidof(Connection)); _RecordPtr Rec(__uuidof(Record)); _bstr_t strSourceObjectUrl; _bstr_t strDestFolderUrl; _bstr_t strObjectName; HRESULT hr = S_OK; try { // Set the URL to the location of the source folder. strSourceObjectUrl = "file://./backofficestorage/" + strDomainName + "/" + strLocalPathOfSourceObject; printf("strSourceObjectUrl = %s\n", (char *)strSourceObjectUrl); // Open the connection. conn->Provider = "Exoledb.DataSource"; hr = conn->Open(strSourceObjectUrl,"","",0); // Open the record. hr = Rec->Open((_variant_t)strSourceObjectUrl, conn->ConnectionString, adModeReadWrite, adFailIfNotExists, adOpenSource, bstr_t(), bstr_t()); strObjectName = (_bstr_t)Rec->Fields->GetItem((_variant_t)"DAV:displayname")->Value; // Set the URL to the location of the destination folder. strDestFolderUrl = "file://./backofficestorage/" + strDomainName + "/" + strLocalPathOfDestFolder; if (bOption) // Move the folder from the source location to the destination folder. Rec->MoveRecord(strSourceObjectUrl, strDestFolderUrl + "/" + strObjectName, "", "", adMoveOverWrite, false); else // Copy the folder from the source location to the destination folder. Rec->CopyRecord(strSourceObjectUrl, strDestFolderUrl + "/" + strObjectName, "", "", adCopyOverWrite, false); // Close the connections. Rec->Close(); conn->Close(); // Clean up. Rec = NULL; conn = NULL; printf("Good Job!\n"); } catch(_com_error &e) { dump_com_error(e); } } // GetDomainName // // Params: [out] BSTR * bstrDomainName // Output: HRESULT // Purpose: Retrieve the domain DNS name. HRESULT GetDomainName(BSTR * bstrDomainName) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; IADsADSystemInfo *pADsys; hr = CoCreateInstance(CLSID_ADSystemInfo, NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, IID_IADsADSystemInfo, (void**)&pADsys); hr = pADsys->get_DomainDNSName(bstrDomainName); if (pADsys) pADsys->Release(); return hr; }
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