Adding the Workflow System Account

Adding the Workflow System Account

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To ensure that the workflow event sink will run with proper privileges, you must add a Workflow System Account. The workflow script will always run with the permissions of this user account. To create the Workflow System Account, use Microsoft® Active Directory® Users and Computers on the Microsoft Exchange 2000 server configured for workflow. After the account has been created, you must then use Component Services to configure the workflow application components to use this account. By default, the workflow application components are configured to run under the user account currently logged on to the system.

To add the Workflow System Account

  1. Create a new account in the Users container (or you can select an existing account from your Microsoft Windows® server operating systems domain). These instructions assume that you have created an account named "Workflow System Account". Set the Workflow System Account password expiration policy to never expire.
  2. When prompted, create an Exchange mailbox. If your application will use e-mail workflow (the SendWorkflowMessage Method), the Workflow System Account mailbox folder must be on the same physical server as the application folder where you will register the workflow. This restriction does not apply to workflows that use the Send Method, because IWorkflowMessage uses SMTP.
  3. After the account is created, open it and make the account a member of the Exchange Domain Servers group. This enables the Collaboration Data Objects (CDO) workflow event sink to execute with proper privileges.
  4. In the console tree of the Component Services dialog box, find your computer and expand it. Under COM+ Applications, right-click Workflow Event Sink and click Properties.
  5. Click the Identity tab. Select This user, and type the name and password for the Workflow System Account.
  6. To make the Workflow System Account a Privileged Workflow author, add the account to the Privileged Workflow Authors role. For more information about Privileged Workflow authors, see Privileged Mode.

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Build: June 2007 (2007.618.1)

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