Creating Content Class Definitions

Creating Content Class Definitions

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A content class defines the purpose or content of an item by containing as its elements a list of properties appropriate for that purpose or content. Content classes imply a set of semantic requirements for the item. For example, an item with the content class urn:content-classes:message can be processed accordingly by messaging and non-messaging applications.

This tutorial example creates a sample content class property named "urn:content-classes:microsoft-com:sample1."

To Create a Content Class Definition

  1. Select the AppA schema folder.

  2. In the Schema Detail View pane, right-click Content Class Definitions.

  3. From the pop-up menu, click Add Content Class Definition.

  4. For the Definition name text box, specify the complete content class name. For this tutorial, the content class is named urn:content-classes:microsoft-com:sample1.

  5. For the Save as item name text box, specify a name for the item that will contain the content class definition; the naming scheme being your choice. This tutorial uses cc_sample1.def.

  6. Click the Properties tab.

    Use this tab to add properties as elements in a content class definition. This tab has two panes. The top pane lists all property definitions that have been defined in the selected schema folder. The bottom pane shows properties that have been added as elements to the content class definition.

  7. Select urn:schemas:microsoft-com:color in the list of available properties and click Add. Also add urn:schemas:microsoft-com:quantity.

  8. Click OK.

Other Definition Options

The following table describes the other tabs used for creating a content class definition.

Tab Content class configurations
Expected CC Use this tab for creating a list of other content classes that should be automatically attributed to a folder whenever that folder is set to the content class being defined.

This setting achieves the same result as explicitly setting the application folder's urn:schemas-microsoft-com:exch-data:expected-content-class property to the desired list of content classes. This technique is a shortcut rather than later specifying multiple expected content classes for a folder.

To have content classes appear in the list of available content classes in Explorer, the folders containing the content class definitions must be included in the schema folder's urn:schemas-microsoft-com:exch-data:baseschema property.

Extends Use this tab to list one or more content classes that should be extended in the content class being defined.

A typical use of extension is extending the urn:content-classes:person content class. This content class contains a comprehensive set of contact properties, such as homephone and email1. The new content class inherits these properties and custom contact properties can be added.

To have content classes appear in the list of available content classes in Explorer, the folders containing the content class definitions must be included in the schema folder's urn:schemas-microsoft-com:exch-data:baseschema property.

You can also enter a content class not listed. Type the content class in the text box below the list of available content classes and click Add ECC.

Advanced Use this tab to set values for following properties:

ComProgID — Contains the Prog ID for an object, such as an ActiveX control, for handling items of the content class being defined. Full name: urn:schemas-microsoft-com:comprogid.

ComClassID — Contains the Class ID for an object, such as an ActiveX control, for handling items of the content class being defined. Full name: urn:schemas-microsoft-com:comclassid.

Version — You can use this setting for your own versioning scheme for this content class definition.

Close Expected Content Classes — If checked, the expected content classes listed in this content class definition cannot be extended. This setting is not enforced by the Exchange store, but an application can use this setting to provide the enforcement.

Note  The content class for a content class definition item itself is required to be urn:content-classes:contentclassdef, which is set automatically by the Explorer.

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Build: June 2007 (2007.618.1)

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