Configuring a Folder's Schema Scope
Configuring a Folder's Schema Scope
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A schema scope is defined as the set of folders, identified by a Uniform Resource Identifier (URI), that are traversed when searching for schema definition items. You need to define your application folder's schema scope so that your schema definition items are in the schema scope. You configure a folder's schema scope by using two folder properties:
schema-collection-ref Field. This single-valued property, which can be set on any folder, specifies the URL that points to the first folder that contains applicable schema definition items. If this property is empty, the default location is the non_ipm_subtree/Schema folder of the public store or mailbox store. When you want to create your own schema definition items and apply them to items in your application folders, you set this property on each of your application folders.
The schema scope for any folder always starts with a single folder in the store. You can further expand the scope by setting the baseschema Field on the first and subsequent schema folders. Normally, applications terminate the schema scope with the non_ipm_subtree/Schema folder, which contains the global Exchange store schema definition items.
Note To access the global schema of an application or a public store, use The ##SCHEMAURI## Macro.
baseschema Field. This multivalued field, which can be set on any folder, specifies the URLs for folders that contain additional, or base, schema definition items. When an application constructs the list of folders that are in a particular folder's schema scope, each folder identified by this property is added to the list in the order in which it appears in this field. Note that, by convention, you set this field for designated application schema folders and not for the application folder itself.
The order in which folders are searched is significant: if two or more definition items exist that have the same name set in the definition item's name Field, only the first definition is used. See Schema Scope for more information about schema scope.
The following sections demonstrate how to set and examine these properties on folders in an application folder's schema scope.
Setting the Schema Collection Reference for a Folder
Setting the Base Schema Path for a Schema Folder
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