Exchange Store Item Properties
Exchange Store Item Properties
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Using the Exchange store, you can easily store any number of properties (also called fields) along with each item. You can access the value of each property, and you can search and group items having properties that match certain conditions.
Any number of properties can be stored with each item, and the set of properties for each item can be different. Unlike with a relational database, you do not need to add a column to a table to set an item property.
Exchange store item properties have names made up of a namespace and a local name. The namespace is a unique string that acts as a scope for the name. Using a namespace is preferred and guarantees that each property with a shared local name is unique within the store. Namespaces are defined using the Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) syntax. Examples of URI values used are urn:schemas:httpmail: and
This section consists of the following topics:
Default Exchange Store Namespaces
Property Names and the Exchange OLE DB Provider
The Item Default Stream Property
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Build: June 2007 (2007.618.1)
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