IContactsAndGroupsManager.Search Method
Searches for contacts/distribution groups that match the given search value.
Namespace: UCCollaborationLib
Assembly: Microsoft.Office.Uc (in Microsoft.Office.Uc.dll)
BSTR searchString,
SearchProviders providers,
SearchFields searchFields,
SearchOptions searchOptions,
ULONG maxResults,
IUnknown* contactsAndGroupsCallback,
VARIANT state,
IAsynchronousOperation** asyncOperation
- searchString
Type: String
A value of the BSTR type.
- providers
Type: UCCollaborationLib.SearchProviders
A value of the SearchProviders type. The default value is ucSearchProviderDefault.
- searchFields
Type: UCCollaborationLib.SearchFields
A value of the SearchFields type. The default value is ucSearchAllFields.
- searchOptions
Type: UCCollaborationLib.SearchOptions
A value of the SearchOptions type. The default value is ucDefaultSearchOption.
- maxResults
Type: UInt32
A value of the ULONG type. The default value is 30.
- contactsAndGroupsCallback
Type: Object
A value of the IUnknown type. The default value is NULL.
- state
Type: Object
A value of the VARIANT type.
Return Value
A value of the IAsynchronousOperation** (IAsynchronousOperation, for a .NET application) type.