What Are Gamma Controls?

Gamma controls allow you to change how the system displays the contents of the surface, without affecting the contents of the surface itself. Think of these controls as very simple filters that Microsoft® Direct3D® applies to data as it leaves a surface and before it is rendered on the screen.

Gamma controls are simply a property of a swap chain. Gamma controls make it possible to dynamically change how a surface's red, green, and blue levels map to the actual levels that the system displays. By setting gamma levels, you can cause the user's screen to flash colors — red when the user's character is shot, green when the character picks up a new item, and so on — without copying new images to the frame buffer to achieve the effect. Or, you might adjust color levels to apply a color bias to the images in the back buffer.

There is always at least one swap chain (the implicit swap chain) for each device because Microsoft® Direct3D® for Microsoft DirectX® 8.0 has one swap chain as a property of the device. Because the gamma ramp is a property of the swap chain, the gamma ramp can be applied when the swap chain is windowed. The gamma ramp takes effect immediately. There is no waiting for a VSYNC operation.

For details on how to use gamma controls, see Using Gamma Controls.

See Also

Gamma Controls

 Last updated on Thursday, April 08, 2004

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