Describes the content of the packet for a particular tablet context.

Do not use this structure to access the data contained in a packet. This structure describes the content of the packet.



typedef struct _PACKET_DESCRIPTION
  ULONG cbPacketSize;
  ULONG cPacketProperties;
  PACKET_PROPERTY* pPacketProperties;
  ULONG cButtons;
  GUID* pguidButtons;


Name Description
cbPacketSize Size, in bytes, of the packet data.
cPacketProperties Number of elements in the pPacketProperties array.
pPacketProperties Array of PACKET_PROPERTY structures.
cButtons Deprecated. Do not use.
pguidButtons Deprecated. Do not use.


The PACKET_DESCRIPTION structure defines the logical layout of the packet. Typically, you do not need to address the contents of a packet. You pass the packets to the Ink object. However, if you need to address the contents of a packet, each packet contains a series of LONG values (properties) followed by one or more DWORD values (button states).

The button states are contained in one or more DWORD members. The number of DWORDs depends on the value of the cButtons member. Each DWORD represents 32 buttons, from the lowest bit to the highest bit. The order of the buttons in the DWORD correlates directly to the button order specified in the pguidButtons array. The button state is up if the value is 0; otherwise, the state is down. If a cursor does not physically have a button, the state is up.