GetHotPoint Method (Automation Only)

GetHotPoint Method (Automation Only)

Gets the hot point of the gesture, in ink space coordinates.



HRESULT GetHotPoint(
    [in, out] long* X,
    [in, out] long* Y

[Microsoft® Visual Basic® 6.0]

Public Sub GetHotPoint( _
    X As Long, _
    Y As Long _



[in, out] The X-value of the hot point, in ink space coordinates.


[in, out] The Y-value of the hot point, in ink space coordinates.

Return Value

HRESULT value Description
S_OK Error information is provided.
E_POINTER A parameter contained an invalid pointer.
E_INK_EXCEPTION An exception occurred while processing.


The hot point is the one distinguishing point of a gesture. It is usually the point of the angle in a gesture or the point at which the gesture is intended to occur in relation to the content around it. If thee is no discernable hot point for a known gesture, the starting point of the gesture is the hot point.

For example, the hot point of the Check gesture is the point of the angle, and the hot point of the Curlicue gesture is the start of the stroke that is the gesture.

For more information about how a hot point is used, see Making Windows Work with a Pen.


[Visual Basic 6.0]

This Visual Basic 6.0 example displays application and system gesture event information in a multiline text edit control, Text1, on the main form window. Starting with a Standard EXE application and adding a reference to the Microsoft Tablet PC Type Library, this example adds a check box, Check1, which toggles tracking of System Gesture information. ApplicationGesture information reported includes the coordinates from the GetHotPoint method of the gesture.

Option Explicit
Dim WithEvents theInkCollector As InkCollector

Private Sub Check1_Click()
    theInkCollector.SetEventInterest ICEI_SystemGesture, _
        Not theInkCollector.GetEventInterest(ICEI_SystemGesture)
End Sub

Private Sub Form_Load()
    Set theInkCollector = New InkCollector
    theInkCollector.hWnd = Me.hWnd
    'Set the ink collection mode to collect ink and gestures,
    'and turn off all application gestures except the chevrons.
    theInkCollector.CollectionMode = ICM_InkAndGesture
    theInkCollector.SetGestureStatus IAG_AllGestures, False
    theInkCollector.SetGestureStatus IAG_ChevronUp, True
    theInkCollector.SetGestureStatus IAG_ChevronDown, True
    theInkCollector.SetGestureStatus IAG_ChevronLeft, True
    theInkCollector.SetGestureStatus IAG_ChevronRight, True
    theInkCollector.Enabled = True

    Check1.Value = 1
    theInkCollector.SetEventInterest ICEI_SystemGesture, True
End Sub

Private Sub theInkCollector_Gesture( _
ByVal Cursor As MSINKAUTLib.IInkCursor, _
ByVal Strokes As MSINKAUTLib.InkStrokes, _
ByVal Gestures As Variant, _
Cancel As Boolean)
    Dim theGesture As Variant
    Dim X As Long
    Dim Y As Long
    Text1.Text = ""
    For Each theGesture In Gestures
        theGesture.GetHotPoint X, Y
        Text1.Text = Text1.Text & "Gesture " & _
        AppGestureName(theGesture.Id) & _
        " at (" & X & "," & Y & ") confidence: " & _
        ConfidenceName(theGesture.Confidence) & vbCrLf
End Sub

Private Sub theInkCollector_SystemGesture( _
ByVal Cursor As MSINKAUTLib.IInkCursor, _
ByVal Id As MSINKAUTLib.InkSystemGesture, _
ByVal X As Long, ByVal Y As Long, _
ByVal Modifier As Long, _
ByVal Character As String, _
ByVal CursorMode As Long)
    Text1.Text = "SystemGesture " & _
    SystemGestureName(Id) & " (x:" & X & ",y:" & Y & ")"
End Sub

Private Function SystemGestureName(ByVal Id As InkSystemGesture) As String
    Select Case Id
        Case ISG_DoubleTap
            SystemGestureName = "ISG_DoubleTap"
        Case ISG_Drag
            SystemGestureName = "ISG_Drag"
        Case ISG_HoldEnter
            SystemGestureName = "ISG_HoldEnter"
        Case ISG_HoldLeave
            SystemGestureName = "ISG_HoldLeave"
        Case ISG_HoverEnter
            SystemGestureName = "ISG_HoverEnter"
        Case ISG_HoverLeave
            SystemGestureName = "ISG_HoverLeave"
        Case ISG_RightDrag
            SystemGestureName = "ISG_RightDrag"
        Case ISG_RightTap
            SystemGestureName = "ISG_RightTap"
        Case ISG_Tap
            SystemGestureName = "ISG_Tap"
        Case Else
            SystemGestureName = "SystemGesture(" & Id & ")"
    End Select
End Function

Private Function AppGestureName(ByVal Id As InkApplicationGesture) As String
    Select Case Id
        Case IAG_AllGestures
            AppGestureName = "IAG_AllGestures"
        Case IAG_NoGesture
            AppGestureName = "IAG_NoGesture"
        Case IAG_ChevronUp
            AppGestureName = "IAG_ChevronUp"
        Case IAG_ChevronDown
            AppGestureName = "IAG_ChevronDown"
        Case IAG_ChevronLeft
            AppGestureName = "IAG_ChevronLeft"
        Case IAG_ChevronRight
            AppGestureName = "IAG_ChevronRight"
        Case Else
            AppGestureName = "AppGesture(" & Id & ")"
    End Select
End Function

Private Function ConfidenceName(ByVal Id As InkRecognitionConfidence) As String
    Select Case Id
        Case IRC_Strong
            ConfidenceName = "IRC_Strong"
        Case IRC_Intermediate
            ConfidenceName = "IRC_Intermediate"
        Case IRC_Poor
            ConfidenceName = "IRC_Poor"
        Case Else
            ConfidenceName = "Confidence(" & Id & ")"
    End Select
End Function

Applies To