Kids Passport Cobranding

Kids Passport Cobranding

Cobranding for Microsoft® Kids Passport enables you to include blocks of text in certain Kids Passport pages that users access from your site. Unlike regular Microsoft® .NET Passport cobranding, which is intended to provide users with a consistent visual identity, Kids Passport cobranding is intended to enable you to provide information to your users as they interact with Kids Passport from your site.

Kids Passport cobranding text supports HTML, but you should keep your cobranding text short and to the point. All of your cobranding content must be available through HTTPS.

Kids Passport Cobranding Variables

Include these variables in the same cobranding template that your site uses for regular .NET Passport cobranding. Set these variables to the text strings that you want to display.

  • CBKidsConsentNeededTxt
    This variable specifies text that is displayed on the page that requests consent. This page is displayed when a child is redirected to the Login server and the authentication call includes KPP=3 or KPP=2. This text can explain the purpose of Kids Passport and children's privacy laws, such as the Children's Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA).
  • CBKidsEmailCongratsTxt
    This variable specifies text that appears on the page that is displayed after a child sends a consent request to the parent. The child does not have consent at this time, so this text might explain which parts of your site, if any, the child will be able to access until consent is granted. This page is displayed only when KPP=3 or KPP=2 is specified in the authentication call.

See Also

.NET Passport Cobranding Overview