Core Profile Table

Core Profile Table

The following table lists attributes initially defined in the core profile. "Attribute name" is the name of the attribute associated with the user's core profile. These names are defined in the Component Configuration Document (CCD) distributed by the Passport Nexus to all participating sites running Passport Manager. Additionally, these attribute names are also referenced within participating site-side script or code when performing "put" or "get" operations with attribute values. These names are unique within the core profile. "Attribute type" is the data type in the schema. The Variant type used by the Passport Manager object is in parentheses.

Attributes with a value of "yes" in the "Opt in" column of the following table may be present in users' profiles, depending on how the users adjust their profile consent settings.

For a full discussion of the core profile attributes defined here, see Core Profile Schema.

See Also

Component Configuration Document