Groups and Users Append, ChangePassword Methods Example (VC++)

This example demonstrates the Append method of Groups, as well as the Append method of Users by adding a new Group and a new User to the system. The new Group is appended to the Groups collection of the new User. Consequently, the new User is added to the Group. Also, the ChangePassword method is used to specify the User password.

// BeginGroupCpp
#import "msadox.dll" no_namespace

#include "iostream.h"
#include "stdio.h"
#include "conio.h"

//Function declarations
void GroupX(void);
inline void TESTHR(HRESULT x) {if FAILED(x) _com_issue_error(x);};

//                                                      //
//      Main Function                                   //
//                                                      //
void main()



//                                                      //
//         GroupX Function                              //
//                                                      //
void GroupX(void)
    HRESULT hr = S_OK;

    // Define ADOX object pointers.
    // Initialize pointers on define.
    // These are in the ADOX::  namespace.
    _CatalogPtr m_pCatalog   = NULL;
    _UserPtr m_pUserNew   = NULL;
    _UserPtr m_pUser  = NULL;
    _GroupPtr m_pGroup = NULL;

    // Define String Variables.
    _bstr_t strCnn("Provider='Microsoft.JET.OLEDB.4.0';"
        "Data source = 'c:\\Program Files\\Microsoft Office\\"
        "jet oledb:system database='c:\\Program Files\\Microsoft Office\\"

        TESTHR(hr = m_pCatalog.CreateInstance(__uuidof (Catalog)));

        // Create and append new group with a string.

        // Create and append new user with an object.
        TESTHR(hr = m_pUserNew.CreateInstance(__uuidof(User)));
        m_pUserNew->PutName("Pat Smith");
            _variant_t((IDispatch *)m_pUserNew),"");

        // Make the user Pat Smith a member of the 
        // Accounting group by creating and adding the
        // appropriate Group object to the user's Groups 
        // collection.The same is accomplished if a User
        // object representing Pat Smith is created and 
        // appended to the Accounting group Users collection 

        // Enumerate all User objects in the 
        // catalog's Users collection.
        long lUsrIndex;
        long lGrpIndex;
        _variant_t vIndex;
        for (lUsrIndex=0; lUsrIndex<m_pCatalog->Users->Count; lUsrIndex++)
            vIndex = lUsrIndex;
            m_pUser = m_pCatalog->Users->GetItem(vIndex);
            cout<<"  "<<m_pUser->Name <<endl;
            cout<<"   Belongs to these groups:"<<endl;

            // Enumerate all Group objects in each User
            // object's Groups collection.
            if(m_pUser->Groups->Count != 0)
                    vIndex = lGrpIndex;
                    m_pGroup = m_pUser->Groups->GetItem(vIndex);
                    cout<<"     "<< m_pGroup->Name<<endl;
                cout<<"       [None]"<<endl;

        // Enumerate all Group objects in the default 
        // workspace's Groups collection.
        for (lGrpIndex=0; lGrpIndex<m_pCatalog->Groups->Count; lGrpIndex++)
            vIndex = lGrpIndex;
            m_pGroup = m_pCatalog->Groups->GetItem(vIndex);
            cout<<"   "<< m_pGroup->Name <<endl;
            cout<<"    Has as its members:"<<endl;
            // Enumerate all User objects in each Group
            // object's Users Collection.
            if(m_pGroup->Users->Count != 0)
                for (lUsrIndex=0; lUsrIndex<m_pGroup->Users->Count; lUsrIndex++)
                    vIndex = lUsrIndex;
                    m_pUser = m_pGroup->Users->GetItem(vIndex);
                    cout<<"    "<<m_pUser->Name<<endl;
                cout<<"      [None]"<<endl;

        // Delete new User and Group object because this 
        // is only a demonstration.
        m_pCatalog->Users->Delete("Pat Smith");
    catch(_com_error &e)
        // Notify the user of errors if any.
        _bstr_t bstrSource(e.Source());
        _bstr_t bstrDescription(e.Description());
        printf("\n\tSource :  %s \n\tdescription : %s \n ",
        cout << "Error occured in include files...."<< endl;
// EndGroupCpp