.gif) |
AsyncInitializedCollection<T> |
.gif) |
BackgroundDispatcher |
Microsoft internal use only. Manages a collection of named dispatchers. Naming the dispatchers allows sharing of dispatchers between different components. |
.gif) |
BitmapStripImageList |
.gif) |
BuiltInPropertyValue |
Microsoft internal use only. |
.gif) |
CollectionAdapter<TSource, TTarget> |
.gif) |
ContextMenuController |
.gif) |
ControllerBase<TPattern, TController> |
.gif) |
ConverterBase |
.gif) |
CookieTable<TCookie, TValue> |
.gif) |
CookieTraits<T> |
Microsoft internal use only. |
.gif) |
CrossThreadNotificationQueue<TSource, TTarget> |
.gif) |
DataSource |
Microsoft internal use only. |
.gif) |
DataSourceCollection |
Microsoft internal use only. |
.gif) |
DataSourceFactory |
Microsoft internal use only. |
.gif) |
DefaultIconImageList |
.gif) |
DeferredResourceDictionaryBase |
.gif) |
DialogResult |
Microsoft internal use only. |
.gif) |
DirectionalDragDropAdorner |
.gif) |
DragDropScrollManager |
.gif) |
DragDropSourceController |
.gif) |
DragDropStateManager |
.gif) |
DraggableListBoxItem |
.gif) |
EditableItemTextBox |
.gif) |
EnumerablePropertiesCollection |
Microsoft internal use only. |
.gif) |
EnumerableSnapshot |
.gif) |
EnumerableVerbsCollection |
Microsoft internal use only. |
.gif) |
GelDependencyObject |
Microsoft internal use only. Represents a Data Source in a Gel data model. |
.gif) |
GelProperty |
Microsoft internal use only. Representation of a property in a Gel data model. |
.gif) |
GelPropertyChangedEventArgs |
.gif) |
GelRegisteredObject |
.gif) |
GelVerb |
Microsoft internal use only. Represents a verb in a Gel data model. |
.gif) |
HierarchyIdentity |
.gif) |
HierarchyItemPair |
.gif) |
HierarchyItemsProviderNames |
.gif) |
HierarchySearchMatchEvaluator |
.gif) |
HierarchyUtilities |
.gif) |
HighlightTextBlock |
.gif) |
HybridDictionary<TKey, TValue> |
.gif) |
IconConverter |
.gif) |
IconHandleImageCache |
Microsoft internal use only. Represents a cache where the handle to an icon is used as a key mapping to a Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) image wrapper for that handle to an icon. |
.gif) |
ImageHelper |
.gif) |
ImageListBase |
.gif) |
IndentToMarginConverter |
.gif) |
IndirectPropertyValue<T> |
Microsoft internal use only. |
.gif) |
IntCookieTraits |
Microsoft internal use only. |
.gif) |
InteractionPatternProvider |
.gif) |
InvocationController |
.gif) |
IsPathImageConverter |
.gif) |
ItemsProvider<T> |
.gif) |
ItemsSourceCache |
.gif) |
KnownRelationships |
.gif) |
NativeImageList |
Microsoft internal use only. Represents a weak cache of images from a native HIMAGELIST. |
.gif) |
PivotNavigationEntry |
.gif) |
PivotNavigator |
.gif) |
PivotNavigatorServices |
.gif) |
PivotRelationshipNavigationEntry |
.gif) |
PivotTreeView |
.gif) |
PivotTreeViewAutomationPeer |
.gif) |
PivotTreeViewItem |
.gif) |
PropertyDescription |
Microsoft internal use only. |
.gif) |
PropertyValueBase |
Microsoft internal use only. |
.gif) |
ProvideUIDataConverterAttribute |
Microsoft internal use only. |
.gif) |
ProvideUIDataSourceProviderAttribute |
Microsoft internal use only. |
.gif) |
ProvideUIProviderAttribute |
Microsoft internal use only. |
.gif) |
RenameItemTransaction |
.gif) |
RenameItemTransaction.CommitLock |
.gif) |
ScreenDragCompletedEventArgs |
.gif) |
ScreenDragEventArgs |
.gif) |
SingleItemTrackingCollection |
.gif) |
SpinAnimationControl |
.gif) |
SuspendableObservableCollection<T> |
.gif) |
Suspender |
.gif) |
SystemImageList |
.gif) |
ToolTipVisibilityManager |
.gif) |
TreeDisplayItemConverter |
.gif) |
TreeItemPresenter |
.gif) |
TypeMap |
Microsoft internal use only. |
.gif) |
UIDataSource |
Microsoft internal use only. |
.gif) |
UIDataSourceCollection |
Microsoft internal use only. |
.gif) |
UIDataSourceDynamicCollection |
Microsoft internal use only. |
.gif) |
UIDataSourceProperty |
Microsoft internal use only. |
.gif) |
UIDataSourcePropertyEnumerator |
Microsoft internal use only. |
.gif) |
UIDataSourceVerb |
Microsoft internal use only. |
.gif) |
UIDataSourceVerbEnumerator |
Microsoft internal use only. |
.gif) |
UIDispatch |
Microsoft internal use only. |
.gif) |
UIElement |
Microsoft internal use only. |
.gif) |
UIFactory |
Microsoft internal use only. |
.gif) |
UIFactoryException |
.gif) |
UIFactoryHelper |
Microsoft internal use only. Provides helper methods for working with UI Factories. |
.gif) |
UIntCookieTraits |
Microsoft internal use only. |
.gif) |
UIObject |
Microsoft internal use only. |
.gif) |
UISimpleDataSource |
Microsoft internal use only. |
.gif) |
UsageMetrics |
.gif) |
UsageMetrics.ItemInvokedEventArgs |
.gif) |
UsageMetrics.RelationshipSelectedEventArgs |
.gif) |
UsageMetrics.SearchPerformedEventArgs |
.gif) |
Utilities |
Microsoft internal use only. |
.gif) |
VerbDescription |
Microsoft internal use only. |
.gif) |
VirtualizingTreeView |
.gif) |
VirtualizingTreeView.KeyboardFocusChangeSuspender |
.gif) |
VirtualizingTreeViewAutomationPeer |
.gif) |
VirtualizingTreeViewItem |
.gif) |
VirtualizingTreeViewItemAutomationPeer |
.gif) |
VirtualizingTreeViewItemWrapperAutomationPeer |
.gif) |
VisualTargetPresentationSource |
Microsoft internal use only. |
.gif) |
VisualWrapper |
Microsoft internal use only. A FrameworkElement that wraps a single Child, which is a Visual. This allows you to add a simple [Visual] as a child of one of the standard containers, such as StackPanel, Grid, Canvas, and so on. |
.gif) |
VsUIConstants |
Microsoft internal use only. |
.gif) |
VsUICookieTable<TValue> |
Microsoft internal use only. |
.gif) |
VsUICookieTraits |
Microsoft internal use only. |
.gif) |
VsUIType |
Microsoft internal use only. |
.gif) |
WeakImageCache<TIndex> |
.gif) |
WeakValueDictionary<K, V> |
.gif) |
Win32BitmapHandle |
Microsoft internal use only. |
.gif) |
Win32BitmapUIObject |
Microsoft internal use only. |
.gif) |
Win32ColorUIObject |
Microsoft internal use only. |
.gif) |
Win32HandleUIObject<TData> |
Microsoft internal use only. |
.gif) |
Win32IconHandle |
Microsoft internal use only. |
.gif) |
Win32IconUIObject |
Microsoft internal use only. |
.gif) |
Win32ImageListUIObject |
Microsoft internal use only. |
.gif) |
Win32ToWinFormsIconConverter |
Microsoft internal use only. |
.gif) |
Win32ToWinFormsImageListConverter |
Microsoft internal use only. |
.gif) |
Win32ToWpfBitmapConverter |
Microsoft internal use only. |
.gif) |
Win32ToWpfColorConverter |
Microsoft internal use only. |
.gif) |
Win32ToWpfIconConverter |
Microsoft internal use only. |
.gif) |
Win32ToWpfImageListConverter |
Microsoft internal use only. |
.gif) |
WindowHelper |
Provides static helper methods for windows. |
.gif) |
WinFormsIconUIObject |
Microsoft internal use only. |
.gif) |
WinFormsImageListUIObject |
Microsoft internal use only. |
.gif) |
WinFormsToWin32IconConverter |
Microsoft internal use only. |
.gif) |
WinFormsToWin32ImageListConverter |
Microsoft internal use only. |
.gif) |
WorkerThreadElementContainer |
Microsoft internal use only. |
.gif) |
WpfColorUIObject |
Microsoft internal use only. |
.gif) |
WpfIconConverter |
.gif) |
WpfPropertyValue |
Microsoft internal use only. |
.gif) |
WpfToWin32ColorConverter |
Microsoft internal use only. |
.gif) |
WpfToWin32IconConverter |
.gif) |
WpfToWinFormsIconConverter |
.gif) |
WpfUIElement |
Microsoft internal use only. |
.gif) |
WpfUIFactory |
Microsoft internal use only. |
.gif) |
WpfUIFactoryElement |
Microsoft internal use only. |