DocumentBase.XMLSchemaViolations 属性
获取一个 Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word.XMLNodes 集合,该集合表示文档中有验证错误的所有节点。
命名空间: Microsoft.Office.Tools.Word
程序集: Microsoft.Office.Tools.Word.v4.0.Utilities(在 Microsoft.Office.Tools.Word.v4.0.Utilities.dll 中)
Public ReadOnly Property XMLSchemaViolations As XMLNodes
public XMLNodes XMLSchemaViolations { get; }
一个 Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word.XMLNodes 集合,表示文档中有验证错误的所有节点。
下面的代码示例将文档中根元素每个子节点的值设置为字符串,然后显示有验证错误的节点的名称。 例如,对于映射到整数类型架构元素的任何节点,都将报告冲突错误。 若要使用此示例,请从文档级项目内的 ThisDocument 类中运行此示例。
Private Sub DocumentXMLSchemaViolations()
Dim stringBuilder1 As New System.Text.StringBuilder()
' Set the node text for all child nodes of the
' root element.
Dim node As Word.XMLNode
For Each node In Me.XMLNodes(1).ChildNodes
node.Text = "A string value"
Next node
' Add the names of the nodes with violations to
' the StringBuilder.
Dim node2 As Word.XMLNode
For Each node2 In Me.XMLSchemaViolations
stringBuilder1.Append(node2.BaseName & ", ")
Next node2
' End the StringBuilder with a period.
stringBuilder1.Remove(stringBuilder1.Length - 2, 2)
MessageBox.Show("The document contains " & Me.XMLSchemaViolations.Count.ToString() _
& " element(s) with errors: " & stringBuilder1.ToString())
End Sub
private void DocumentXMLSchemaViolations()
System.Text.StringBuilder stringBuilder1 =
new System.Text.StringBuilder();
// Set the node text for all child nodes of the
// root element.
foreach (Word.XMLNode node in this.XMLNodes[1].ChildNodes)
node.Text = "A string value";
// Add the names of the nodes with violations to
// the StringBuilder.
foreach (Word.XMLNode node in this.XMLSchemaViolations)
node.BaseName + ", ");
// End the StringBuilder with a period.
stringBuilder1.Remove(stringBuilder1.Length - 2, 2);
MessageBox.Show("The document contains " +
this.XMLSchemaViolations.Count.ToString() +
" element(s) with errors: " + stringBuilder1.ToString());
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