XML VAT Declaration Report

You use this process to create a XML file for current VAT Declaration according to the XML Transference Format template defined for the VAT Declaration.

After accepting, you will be shown a new window with all the lines in the template where the field "Ask" was marked (if any), so you can insert or modify the content of the values to be included in the file for these elements.

Be aware that if you inserted a Box in the line of the XML Transference Format, and also inserted a check mark in the field “ask”, you will be shown the value (in the field value) for the box you defined and according to the box in the VAT Statement. If for any reason, you want to modify this value proposed by NAV, you should at this point (before the final accepting and creating the file) delete the box number and then manually change the value. This means, you inserted the value manually and therefore the value calculated by the system for the Box is not used in the final file.

When you finally accept this window, the XML file is created in the specified path.


VAT entries included: Specify the type of VAT entries to include in the file. Options include Open, Closed or Open and Closed.

VAT entries included: Specify what period you want to include in the file. Options include Before and Within Period or Within Period.

Additional Currency: Specify if you want report amounts to be shown in the additional reporting currency.


For more information on how to work with reports, see Viewing Test Reports before Posting, How to: View and Print Reports and How to: Set Filters. For assistance in finding specific pages, see Search.

See Also


Telematic VAT Declaration