How to: Post Physical Inventory Orders

After completing a physical inventory order and changing its status to Finished, you can post it.

You can set the status of a physical inventory order to Finished if the following is true:

  • All related physical inventory recordings have a status of Finished.

  • Each physical inventory order line has been counted by at least one inventory recording line.

  • The In Recording Lines and the Qty. Exp. Calculated check boxes have been selected for all of the physical inventory order lines.

After posting the order, you can view the posted physical inventory orders. Posted inventory documents provide a complete overview of the physical inventory process.

To post a physical inventory order

  1. In the Search box, enter Phys. Inventory Order, and then choose the related link.

  2. Select the physical inventory order that you want to complete, and then, on the Home tab, choose Edit.

    In the Phys. Inventory Order window, you can view the quantity recorded after taking physical inventory in the Qty. Recorded (Base) field.

  3. On the Home tab, in the Process group, choose Finish.

  4. Choose the Yes button. The value in the Status field is changed to Finished.


    You cannot change the physical inventory order header or the physical inventory order lines.

  5. To post the order, choose Post, and then choose the OK button.

To view posted physical inventory orders

  1. In the Search box, enter Posted Phys. Invt. Order, and then choose the related link.

  2. In the Posted Phys. Invt. Order window, select the posted inventory order that you want to view, and then, on the Home tab, choose View.

  3. To view a list of related physical inventory recordings, on the Navigate tab, in the Order group, choose Recordings.

    You can also run a report that returns the difference between the expected quantity and the physical (recorded) quantity.

  4. Close the window.

See Also


How to: Enter Physical Inventory Orders


Physical Inventory Documents