Insert Conv. LCY Rndg. Lines

Specifies amounts in LCY if you enter foreign currency amounts in a general journal. However, even if all the journal lines balance in the foreign currency, when each journal line is converted and rounded to LCY, their LCY sum may not balance. This means that a balanced transaction in foreign currency may not balance in LCY, and can therefore not be posted.

You can use the Insert Conv. LCY Rndg. Lines function to insert a rounding correction line in the general journal. This rounding correction line will balance LCY when the foreign currency amounts also balance. You can then post the journal.

Before you use this function, you must specify the G/L accounts that the program will use for the rounding correction. You specify these accounts in the Conv. LCY Rndg. Debit Acc. and Conv. LCY Rndg. Credit Acc. fields in the Currency table.