Saves the resulting dataset of a query as a comma separated values (CSV) file.

The following code shows the syntax of the SAVEASCSV function. The first line of code is the syntax for an instance function call. The second line of code is the syntax for a static function call.

[OK := ] QueryVariable.SAVEASCSV (FileName[, Format][, FormatArgument])

[OK := ] QUERY.SAVEASCSV(Number, FileName[, Format][, FormatArgument)


  • QueryVariable
    Type: Query A variable that specifies the query object.
  • Number
    Type: Integer The ID of the query object.


    On the View menu, choose C/AL Symbol Menu, choose Query, and then select the query from a list.

    If the query that you specify does not exist, then a run-time error occurs.

  • FileName
    Type: Text The path and name of the file that you want to save the query dataset to.
  • Format
    Type: Integer

    Specifies whether the columns of the resulting dataset are at fixed positions in the CSV file or separated only by a delimiter. The parameter has the following values:

    Value Description


    Places columns in fixed positions in lines of the CSV file. You can use this parameter to left align column values between lines in the CSV file. The following code illustrates a simple CSV example that includes two lines with three columns.

    aa   bbb            cccc
    xxxx yyyyyyyyyyy   zzzzz

    You set the starting position using the FormatArgument parameter.


    Separates columns with a delimiter, There are no spaces between the columns. The following code illustrates a simple CSV example that includes two lines with three columns.


    You specify the delimiter using the FormatArgument parameter. In this example, the FormatArgument parameter is set to ';'.

    This is an optional parameter. If you omit the Format parameter, then columns are separated by a comma with no spaces.
  • FormatArgument
    Type: Text You set the FormatArgument parameter based on the setting of the Format parameter.
    • If the Format parameter is set to 0, then the FormatArgument parameter specifies the starting position of each column in the dataset. The value is a comma separated string of integers that includes an integer for every column. In a CSV file, each line is evenly divided into positions for holding characters. The first integer corresponds to the starting position of the first column, the second integer corresponds to the starting position of the second column, and so on. For example, if the query includes three columns, then you could set the parameter to '1, 5, 20'. In CSV file, as illustrated in the following example, the first column would start at the first position, the second column at the fifth position, and the third column at the twentieth position.

      aa   bbb            cccc
      xxxx yyyyyyyyyyy    zzzzz


      In the CSV file, if the value for a column extends beyond the starting position of an adjacent column, then the column value is cut off where the adjacent column starts.

    • If the Format parameter is set to 1, then the FormatArgument parameter specifies the delimiter to use between columns. The value can be one or more characters, such as ‘,’, ‘;’, and ‘tab’. If you do not specify a value, then the parameter is set to ‘,’ by default.

Return Value

Type: Boolean

If you omit this optional return value and if the query cannot be saved as a CSV file, then a run-time error occurs that states that the query cannot be saved. If you include a return value, then it is assumed that you will handle any errors and no run-time error occurs, even though the query is not saved.

true if the query was saved; otherwise, false.


A CSV file stores data in a plain text format. When you save a query dataset as a CSV file, each row of the dataset is stored on a separate line in the file, and each column in a row is separated by a comma or another delimiter of your choice. The first line of the file will contain the column names of the query. A query column name is specified by its Name Property.

When the SAVEASCSV function is called the query dataset is generated and then saved in CSV format to the file that is designated by the FileName parameter.

To apply filters with the SETFILTER and SETRANGE functions, the SAVEASCSV function must be called after SETFILTER and SETRANGE functions, as shown in the following example.

// Sets a filter on the Quantity column of the query
Query.SETFILTER(Quantity, '>50');
// Opens a new query that is filtered by the SETFILTER function and saves the dataset

The SAVEASCSV function can be called at any place in the code and does not require that the CLOSE, OPEN or READ functions are called before it. When the SAVEASCSV function is called, a new instance of the query is created. The query is implicitly opened, read, and closed. If there is currently a dataset in the opened state when the SAVEASCSV function is called, then that instance is closed. This means that the following code is illegal because the query is not open on the second READ call.


The correct code for this example is as follows.



The following example shows how to save the dataset of a query with the name My Customers Query as a CSV file. The file is given the name mycustomers.csv and is saved on the c: drive of the computer running Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server. The query consists of three columns: No., Name, and City. The file is set to place the columns at the following positions: 1, 10, and 40.

This example requires that you do the following:

  • Create a query called My Customer Query that is based on table 18 Customer and contains the No, Name, and City columns. For more information, see How to: Create Queries.

  • Create the following variables and text constant:

    Variable name DataType Subtype



    Not applicable



    My Customer Query

    Text constant name ENU Value


    Query was not saved.

OK := MyCustomerQuery.SAVEASCSV('c:\mycustomers.csv', 0, '1,10,40');

The following code shows an example of the content of the saved file.

No       Name                          City
01121212 Spotsmeyer's Furnishings      Miami
01445544 Progressive Home Furnishings  Chicago
01454545 New Concepts Furniture        Atlanta
01905893 Candoxy Canada Inc.           Thunder Bay
01905899 Elkhorn Airport               Elkhorn
01905902 London Candoxy Storage Campus London

If for some reason the file cannot be saved, then the message Query was not saved. appears.