Export G/L Entries - Tax Audit Report

Exports general ledger entries in a flat ASCII file in .txt format that can be consumed in tax audits.

The report will have the following name: <taxpayername>FEC<YYYYMMDD>

The main purpose of the export is to report the actual transactions registered in the general ledger. In addition to information that is gathered from general ledger entries, the report also captures information from the customer, vendor, and bank account ledgers. If the amount in those ledgers is defined with a currency code, the currency amount and the currency code is also included. Foreign currency can only be reported on the total amount. Any detail on VAT, discounts, and so forth is reported in LCY only.


Closing entries created in the general ledger will not be included as individual entries in the export of information to the report.


The report automatically filters out simulation entries.


Field Description

Starting Date

Enter the date to use as the starting date for the time period to be covered by the audit.

Ending Date

Enter the date to use as the ending date for the time period to be covered by the audit.

Include Opening Balances

Select if you want to include opening general ledger balances in the audit report file. When this check box is selected, the opening balance information is calculated as of the date before the first date in the starting period of the report.


For more information on how to work with reports, see Viewing Test Reports before Posting, How to: View and Print Reports and How to: Set Filters. For assistance in finding specific pages, see Search.

See Also


How to: Export General Ledger Entries for Tax Audits