How to: Define an Account Schedule Constant

Microsoft Dynamics NAV enables you to define a constant for an account schedule line. Constants are useful if an account schedule value does not change.

To define an account schedule constant

  1. In the Search box, enter Account Schedule, and then choose the related link.

  2. In the Name field, select the account schedule for which you want to define a constant.

  3. In the Row No. field, select the number of the account schedule row for which you want to define a constant.

  4. In the Totaling Type field, select Constant, and then enter a constant value in the Totaling field.

See Also


How to: Define an Account Schedule Extension


Account Schedules Overview

Other Resources

Account Schedule Names
Account Schedule
Account Schedule
Acc. Schedule Name
How to: Create New Account Schedules
Create and Set Up Account Schedules