EntityExtensions.AssertEntityName Method (Entity, String[])


Applies To: Dynamics CRM 2013

Verifies that the logical name of an entity is the expected name.

Namespace:   Microsoft.Xrm.Client
Assembly:  Microsoft.Xrm.Client (in Microsoft.Xrm.Client.dll)


public static void AssertEntityName(
    this Entity entity,
    params string[] expectedEntityName
static void AssertEntityName(
    Entity^ entity,
    ... array<String^>^ expectedEntityName
static member AssertEntityName : 
        entity:Entity *
        [<ParamArrayAttribute>] expectedEntityName:string[] -> unit
Public Shared Sub AssertEntityName (
    entity As Entity,
    ParamArray expectedEntityName As String()


See Also

EntityExtensions Class
Microsoft.Xrm.Client Namespace
Developer extensions for Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2013

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