Disable duplicate detection
Applies To: Dynamics CRM 2013
Disable duplicate detection globally or for an entity type by unpublishing the duplicate detection rules or by deleting the published rules.
Disable duplicate detection globally
To disable duplicate detection globally, use the UpdateRequest message to set the Organization.IsDuplicateDetectionEnabled attribute to false. This automatically unpublishes all duplicate detection rules for all entity types in the organization.
Disable duplicate detection for an entity
To disable duplicate detection for an entity type, do one of the following:
Use the UpdateEntityRequest message to set the IsDuplicateDetectionEnabled property to false. This automatically unpublishes all duplicate detection rules for an entity type. This removes duplicate detection support for the entity type and you cannot create a new duplicate detection rule for this entity type.
Unpublish all duplicate detection rules for an entity type by using the UnpublishDuplicateRuleRequest message.
Delete published duplicate detection rules
Delete all published rules in the system to disable duplicate detection globally, or delete published rules for specific entity types by using the IOrganizationService.Delete method.
See Also
Detect duplicate data
Enable duplicate detection
DuplicateRule entity messages and methods