(USA) Key tasks: Form I-9 verification
应用于: Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3, Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R2, Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 Feature Pack, Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012
This content contains common tasks related to entering and verifying Form I-9 information for workers in your companies, legal entities, or organizations.
Prerequisite information
Enter identification information for a worker
Enter Form I-9 information for a worker
Verify Form I-9 information for a worker
Attach a Form I-9 document to a worker record
Reset Form I-9 information for a worker
Prerequisite information
To set up the Form I-9 you must set up the information in the following order:
Set up an issuing entity in the 签发机构 form. This is the government entity that is authorized to issue the particular document used to verify a person's identity and employment eligibility. For more information, see (USA) Set up issuing agencies.
Set up identification types. Some examples of identification types might be birth certificate, a Certificate of birth abroad (CBA), or a school ID. For more information, see 设置标识类型.
Set up Form I-9 document types. Some examples of document types for the Form I-9 might be a driver’s license, a Passport, a visa, or a Social Security card. For more information, see (USA) Set up Form I-9 document types.
Select a number sequence code for the I-9 document reference in the 人力资源共享参数 form. For more information, see 设置人力资源序列号.
Enter identification information for a worker
Before you can enter Form I-9 information for a worker, you must record information about the forms of identification for the worker.
单击 人力资源 >常用 >工作人员 >工作人员。
Select the worker to record a form of identification for.
On the Action Pane, click 工作人员 tab > 相关信息 group > 个人信息 > 标识.
Click New.
Select the type of identification to record for the worker. If the identification type that you need is not listed, create it in the 身份证明类型 form.
Enter the identification number.
The remaining steps in this procedure are optional.
Enter a brief description of the identification record.
Select the agency that issued the form of identification to the worker. For example, if you are recording a driver’s license as the form of identification, you might select State.
In the 分录类型 field, enter additional classification information about the form of identification. For example, if you are recording a driver’s license as the form of identification and driver’s licenses have multiple classes of licenses that are issued, you might add the class of driver’s license that the worker has.
Indicate if the form of identification is the worker’s primary form of identification.
Enter the date when the issuing agency issued the form of identification to the worker.
Enter the date when the form of identification expires.
Enter Form I-9 information for a worker
单击 人力资源 >常用 >工作人员 >工作人员。
Select the worker to add Form I-9 information for.
On the Action Pane, click 工作人员 tab > 相关信息 group > 雇用 > I-9.
If this is the first time that you are entering Form I-9 information for the worker, click New.
To modify Form I-9 information for a worker, select the I-9 document and click 重置.
On the Work eligibility FastTab, select the option that indicates the eligibility for employment of the worker.
If the employee is not a citizen or national of the United States, you must also select the worker’s resident alien or admission number.
Depending on the form of identification that the worker provided, on the I-9 document FastTab, select either the 列表 A group or the 列表 B and 列表 C group.
To comply with Form I-9 regulations, a worker must provide one List A document or one document from List B and List C. If you select List B, you must provide information about both List B and List C documents.
In the I-9 document type field, select the type of document that the worker provided.
In the 文档编号 field, select the official identification number of the document.
If no values are available in this field, you must first enter identification information for the worker before you can complete this procedure. Refer to the “Enter identification information for a worker” procedure earlier in this topic.
If the employee required assistance to complete the original Form I-9 document, such as a translator, you can enter the name and address of this person on the Preparer FastTab.
Verify Form I-9 information for a worker
单击 人力资源 >常用 >工作人员 >工作人员。
Select the worker to verify Form I-9 information for.
On the Action Pane, click 工作人员 tab > 相关信息 group > 雇用 > I-9.
Select the Form I-9 document information to verify and click Verify.
Select the user who verified that the information that was entered on the Form I-9 was correct.
Click OK.
After you have verified the document, it cannot be modified without first resetting the information in the form.
To modify information that was verified for Form I-9, you must click 重置 and enter all of the information again.
Attach a Form I-9 document to a worker record
You must have a digital copy of the Form I-9 document to attach it to a worker record using the document management system.
单击 人力资源 >常用 >工作人员 >工作人员。
Select the worker record to attach the document to.
On the Action Pane, click 工作人员 tab > 附件 group > 附件.
Click 新建 and select File.
Browse to the location of the Form I-9 document file, select the file, and then click Open.
Reset Form I-9 information for a worker
单击 人力资源 >常用 >工作人员 >工作人员。
Select the worker to reset Form I-9 information for.
On the Action Pane, click 工作人员 tab > 相关信息 group > 雇用 > I-9.
Select the Form I-9 information to reset, and then click 重置.
After you reset the Form I-9 information, you must repeat the verification procedure.