在一些应用程序中,有必要知道各个数据成员中数据的发送顺序或预期接收顺序(比如序列化 XML 中数据的显示顺序)。有时,必须要更改此顺序。本主题说明排序规则。
排在下一位的是当前类型的数据成员(按字母顺序排列),这些成员未设置 DataMemberAttribute 属性 (attribute) 的 Order 属性 (property)。
再下面是设置了 DataMemberAttribute 属性 (attribute) 的 Order 属性 (property) 的任何数据成员。这些成员首先按 Order 属性的值排序,如果多个成员具有特定的 Order 值,则按字母顺序排列。可以跳过 Order 值。
字母顺序是通过调用 CompareOrdinal 方法确定的。
<DataContract()> _
Public Class BaseType
<DataMember()> Public zebra As String
End Class
<DataContract()> _
Public Class DerivedType
Inherits BaseType
<DataMember(Order:=0)> Public bird As String
<DataMember(Order:=1)> Public parrot As String
<DataMember()> Public dog As String
<DataMember(Order:=3)> Public antelope As String
<DataMember()> Public cat As String
<DataMember(Order:=1)> Public albatross As String
End Class
public class BaseType
public string zebra;
public class DerivedType : BaseType
[DataMember(Order = 0)]
public string bird;
[DataMember(Order = 1)]
public string parrot;
public string dog;
[DataMember(Order = 3)]
public string antelope;
public string cat;
[DataMember(Order = 1)]
public string albatross;
生成的 XML 类似于以下形式。
<!-- Zebra is a base data member, and appears first. -->
<!-- Cat has no Order, appears alphabetically first. -->
<!-- Dog has no Order, appears alphabetically last. -->
<!-- Bird is the member with the smallest Order value -->
<!-- Albatross has the next Order value, alphabetically first. -->
<!-- Parrot, with the next Order value, alphabetically last. -->
<!-- Antelope is the member with the highest Order value. Note that
Order=2 is skipped -->