本主题适用于 Windows Workflow Foundation 4。
当工作流服务要求向初始调用方发送回调时,持久双工相关性(也称为回调相关性)非常有用。与 WCF 双工不同的是,该回调可以在将来的任何时间发生,并且不会绑定到同一通道或通道生存期;唯一要求是,调用方应具有一个用于侦听回调消息的活动终结点。这样,这两个工作流服务便可在长期运行的对话中进行通信。本主题概述了持久双工相关性。
若要使用持久双工相关性,这两个服务必须使用启用了上下文且支持双向操作的绑定,如 NetTcpContextBinding 或 WSHttpContextBinding。调用服务使用所需绑定向其客户端 Endpoint 注册 ClientCallbackAddress。接收服务将接收初始调用中的上述数据,然后在回调调用服务的 Send 活动中对自己的 Endpoint 使用此数据。在本示例中,这两个服务互相通信。第一个服务对第二个服务调用某个方法,然后等待答复。第二个服务知晓回调方法的名称,但在设计时,实现该方法的服务的终结点是未知的。在下面的示例中,使用 WSHttpContextBinding 承载工作流服务,该服务将创建回调 Endpoint。
// Host WF Service 1.
string baseAddress1 = "https://localhost:8080/Service1";
WorkflowServiceHost host1 = new WorkflowServiceHost(GetWF1(), new Uri(baseAddress1));
// Add the callback endpoint.
WSHttpContextBinding Binding1 = new WSHttpContextBinding();
host1.AddServiceEndpoint("ICallbackItemsReady", Binding1, "ItemsReady");
// Add the service endpoint.
host1.AddServiceEndpoint("IService1", Binding1, baseAddress1);
// Open the first workflow service.
Console.WriteLine("Service1 waiting at: {0}", baseAddress1);
实现此工作流服务的工作流通过其 Send 活动初始化回调相关性,并从与 Send 相关的 Receive 活动引用此回调终结点。下面的示例表示通过 GetWF1
Variable<CorrelationHandle> CallbackHandle = new Variable<CorrelationHandle>();
Receive StartOrder = new Receive
CanCreateInstance = true,
ServiceContractName = "IService1",
OperationName = "StartOrder"
Send GetItems = new Send
CorrelationInitializers =
new CallbackCorrelationInitializer
CorrelationHandle = CallbackHandle
ServiceContractName = "IService2",
OperationName = "StartItems",
Endpoint = new Endpoint
AddressUri = new Uri("https://localhost:8081/Service2"),
Binding = new WSHttpContextBinding
ClientCallbackAddress = new Uri("https://localhost:8080/Service1/ItemsReady")
Receive ItemsReady = new Receive
ServiceContractName = "ICallbackItemsReady",
OperationName = "ItemsReady",
CorrelatesWith = CallbackHandle,
Activity wf = new Sequence
Variables =
Activities =
new WriteLine
Text = "WF1 - Started"
new WriteLine
Text = "WF1 - Request Submitted"
new WriteLine
Text = "WF1 - Items Received"
// Host WF Service 2.
string baseAddress2 = "https://localhost:8081/Service2";
WorkflowServiceHost host2 = new WorkflowServiceHost(GetWF2(), new Uri(baseAddress2));
// Add the service endpoint.
WSHttpContextBinding Binding2 = new WSHttpContextBinding();
host2.AddServiceEndpoint("IService2", Binding2, baseAddress2);
// Open the second workflow service.
Console.WriteLine("Service2 waiting at: {0}", baseAddress2);
实现此工作流服务的工作流以 Receive 活动开头。此 Receive 活动初始化此服务的回调相关性,延迟一段时间以模拟长时间运行的工作,然后使用第一次调用第一个服务时传递的回调上下文回调来该服务。下面的示例表示通过调用 GetWF2
返回的工作流。请注意,Send 活动包含占位符地址 https://www.contoso.com
Variable<CorrelationHandle> ItemsCallbackHandle = new Variable<CorrelationHandle>();
Receive StartItems = new Receive
CorrelationInitializers =
new CallbackCorrelationInitializer
CorrelationHandle = ItemsCallbackHandle
CanCreateInstance = true,
ServiceContractName = "IService2",
OperationName = "StartItems"
Send ItemsReady = new Send
CorrelatesWith = ItemsCallbackHandle,
Endpoint = new Endpoint
// The callback address on the binding is used
// instead of this placeholder address.
AddressUri = new Uri("https://www.contoso.com"),
Binding = new WSHttpContextBinding()
OperationName = "ItemsReady",
ServiceContractName = "ICallbackItemsReady"
Activity wf = new Sequence
Variables =
Activities =
new WriteLine
Text = "WF2 - Request Received"
new Delay
Duration = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(90)
new WriteLine
Text = "WF2 - Sending items"
new WriteLine
Text = "WF2 - Items sent"
当对第一个工作流调用 StartOrder
Service1 waiting at: https://localhost:8080/Service1Service2 waiting at: https://localhost:8081/Service2Press enter to exit.WF1 - StartedWF2 - Request ReceivedWF1 - Request SubmittedWF2 - Sending itemsWF2 - Items sentWF1 - Items Received
在本示例中,两个工作流均使用 CallbackCorrelationInitializer 显式管理相关性。由于上述示例工作流中仅存在一个相关性,因此默认的 CorrelationHandle 管理足以满足需求。