PenInputPanelMovingEventHandler 委托

表示处理 PenInputPanel 对象的 PanelMoving 事件的方法。

命名空间:  Microsoft.Ink
程序集:  Microsoft.Ink(在 Microsoft.Ink.dll 中)


Public Delegate Sub PenInputPanelMovingEventHandler ( _
    sender As Object, _
    e As PenInputPanelMovingEventArgs _
Dim instance As New PenInputPanelMovingEventHandler(AddressOf HandlerMethod)
public delegate void PenInputPanelMovingEventHandler(
    Object sender,
    PenInputPanelMovingEventArgs e
public delegate void PenInputPanelMovingEventHandler(
    Object^ sender, 
    PenInputPanelMovingEventArgs^ e
/** @delegate */
public delegate void PenInputPanelMovingEventHandler(
    Object sender,
    PenInputPanelMovingEventArgs e
JScript 不支持委托。



使用 PanelMoving 事件可以通过更改 LeftTop 参数来更改笔输入面板的位置。


MoveToRefresh 方法导致 PenInputPanel 对象调用其自动定位代码,而该代码将触发 PanelMoving 事件。因此,在 PenInputPanelMovingEventHandler 委托内调用这些方法会导致无限循环。


此 C# 示例创建 PenInputPanel 对象 thePenInputPanel,并将它附加到 InkEdit 控件 theInkEdit。然后,将 PanelMoving 事件处理程序和 VisibleChanged 事件处理程序添加到 thePenInputPanel。在 VisibleChanged 处理程序中,笔输入面板 的位置发生更改,从而导致 PanelMoving 事件激发。随后,PanelMoving 处理程序将所附加的 InkEdit 控件的文本设置为包含笔输入面板的新屏幕坐标的句子。



// Delcare the PenInputPanel object
PenInputPanel thePenInputPanel;

public Form1()
    // Required for Windows Form Designer support

    // Create and attach the new PenInputPanel to an InkEdit control.
    thePenInputPanel = new PenInputPanel(theInkEdit);

    // Add a PanelMoving event handler
    thePenInputPanel.PanelMoving +=
        new PenInputPanelMovingEventHandler(PanelMoving_Event);

    // Add a VisibleChanged event handler
    thePenInputPanel.VisibleChanged +=
        new PenInputPanelVisibleChangedEventHandler(VisibleChanged_Event);


public void PanelMoving_Event(object sender,
PenInputPanelMovingEventArgs e)
    // Make sure the object that generated
    // the event is a PenInputPanel object
    if (sender is PenInputPanel)
        PenInputPanel theSenderPanel = (PenInputPanel)sender;

        theSenderPanel.AttachedEditControl.Text = "The panel has moved to ";
        theSenderPanel.AttachedEditControl.Text += e.Left.ToString();
        theSenderPanel.AttachedEditControl.Text += ", ";
        theSenderPanel.AttachedEditControl.Text += e.Top.ToString();

public void VisibleChanged_Event(object sender,
PenInputPanelVisibleChangedEventArgs e)
    // Make sure the object that generated
    // the event is a PenInputPanel object
    if (sender is PenInputPanel)
        PenInputPanel theSenderPanel = (PenInputPanel)sender;

        // If the panel has become visible...
        if (e.NewVisibility)
            // Move the pen input panel to screen position 100, 100
            theSenderPanel.MoveTo(100, 100);

此 Microsoft(R) Visual Basic(R) .NET 示例创建 PenInputPanel 对象 thePenInputPanel,并将它附加到 InkEdit 控件 theInkEdit。然后,将 PanelMoving 事件处理程序和 VisibleChanged 事件处理程序添加到 thePenInputPanel。在 VisibleChanged 处理程序中,笔输入面板 的位置发生更改,从而导致 PanelMoving 事件激发。随后,PanelMoving 处理程序将所附加的 InkEdit 控件的文本设置为包含笔输入面板的新屏幕坐标的句子。

[Visual Basic]


' Declare the PenInputPanel object
Dim thePenInputPanel As PenInputPanel

Public Sub New()

    ' Required for Windows Form Designer support

    ' Create and attach the new PenInputPanel to an InkEdit control.
    thePenInputPanel = New PenInputPanel(theInkEdit)

    ' Add a PanelMoving event handler
    AddHandler thePenInputPanel.PanelMoving, _
               AddressOf PanelMoving_Event

    ' Add a VisibleChanged event handler
    AddHandler thePenInputPanel.VisibleChanged, _
               AddressOf VisibleChanged_Event
End Sub 'New


Public Sub PanelMoving_Event(sender As Object, e As _
    ' Make sure the object that generated
    ' the event is a PenInputPanel object
    If TypeOf sender Is PenInputPanel Then
       Dim theSenderPanel As PenInputPanel = CType(sender, PenInputPanel)

       theSenderPanel.AttachedEditControl.Text = "The panel has moved to "
       theSenderPanel.AttachedEditControl.Text += e.Left.ToString
       theSenderPanel.AttachedEditControl.Text += ", "
       theSenderPanel.AttachedEditControl.Text += e.Top.ToString
    End If
End Sub 'PanelMoving_Event

Public Sub VisibleChanged_Event(sender As Object, e As _
    ' Make sure the object that generated
    ' the event is a PenInputPanel object
    If TypeOf sender Is PenInputPanel Then
       Dim theSenderPanel As PenInputPanel = CType(sender, PenInputPanel)

       ' If the panel has become visible...
       If e.NewVisibility Then
          ' Move the pen input panel to screen position 100, 100
          theSenderPanel.MoveTo(100, 100)
       End If
    End If
End Sub 'VisibleChanged_Event


Windows Vista

.NET Framework 和 .NET Compact Framework 并不是对每个平台的所有版本都提供支持。有关支持的版本的列表,请参见.NET Framework 系统要求


.NET Framework




Microsoft.Ink 命名空间
