Federation Sample

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Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) provides support for deploying federated security architectures through the wsFederationHttpBinding. The wsFederationHttpBinding provides a secure, reliable, and interoperable binding that involves the use of HTTP as the underlying transport mechanism for request/reply communication, and Text/XML as the wire format for encoding. This sample demonstrates federated security. For more information about Federation in WCF, see Federation in Windows Communication Foundation.

The scenario is made up of 4 pieces:

  • BookStore service

  • BookStore STS

  • HomeRealm STS

  • BookStore Client

The BookStore service supports two operations, BrowseBooks and BuyBook. It allows anonymous access to the BrowseBooks operation, but requires authenticated access to access the BuyBooks operation. The authentication takes the form of a token issued by the BookStore STS. The configuration file for the BookStore Service points clients to the BookStore STS using the wsFederationHttpBinding.

<!-- This is the Service binding for the BuyBooks endpoint. It redirects clients to the BookStore STS -->
    <binding name='BuyBookBinding'>
        <security mode="Message">
  address='https://localhost/FederationSample/BookStoreSTS/STS.svc/mex' >
                        <dns value ='BookStoreSTS.com'/>

The BookStore STS then requires that clients authenticate using a token issued by the HomeRealm STS. Again, the configuration file for the BookStore STS points clients to the HomeRealm STS using the wsFederationHttpBinding:

 <!-- This is the binding for the clients requesting tokens from this STS. It redirects clients to the HomeRealm STS -->
    <binding name='BookStoreSTSBinding'>
        <security mode='Message'>
 address='https://localhost/FederationSample/HomeRealmSTS/STS.svc/mex' >
                        <dns value ='HomeRealmSTS.com' />

The sequence of events when accessing the BuyBook operation is as follows:

  1. The client authenticates to the HomeRealm STS using Windows credentials.

  2. The HomeRealm STS issues a token that can be used to authenticate to the BookStore STS.

  3. The client authenticates to the BookStore STS using the token issued by the HomeRealm STS.

  4. The BookStore STS issues a token that can be used to authenticate to the BookStore Service.

  5. The client authenticates to the BookStore service using the token issued by the BookStore STS.

  6. The client accesses the BuyBook operation.

See the following instructions about how to setup and run this sample.

To set up, build, and run the sample

  1. Open the SDK command window. In the sample path, run Setup.bat. This creates the virtual directories required for the sample and installs the required certificates with appropriate permissions.


    The Setup.bat batch file is designed to be run from a Windows SDK Command Prompt. It requires that the MSSDK environment variable point to the directory where the SDK is installed. This environment variable is automatically set within a Windows SDK Command Prompt. On Windows Vista, you must ensure that IIS 6.0 Management Compatibility is installed because the setup uses IIS administrator scripts. Running the setup script on Windows Vista requires administrator privileges.

  2. Open FederationSample.sln in Visual Studio and select Build Solution from the Build menu. This builds the common project files, Bookstore service, Bookstore STS, HomeRealm STS, and deploys them in IIS. This also builds the Bookstore client application and places the executable BookStoreClient.exe in the FederationSample\BookStoreClient\bin\Debug folder.

  3. Double-click BookStoreClient.exe. The BookStoreClient window is displayed.

    1. You can browse the books available in the bookstore by clicking Browse Books.

    2. To purchase a particular book, select the book in the list and click Buy Book. The application starts up and authenticates using Windows authentication with the HomeRealm Security Token Service.

      The sample is configured to allow users to purchase books that cost $15 or less. Attempting to buy books that cost more that $15 results in the client getting an Access Denied message from the Book Store Service.


      The sample does not update the user’s credit limit after a purchase. You can repeatedly purchase books within the user’s (fixed) credit limit.

  4. Run Cleanup.bat. This deletes the virtual directories that were created during setup and also removes the certificates installed during setup.

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