如何:在 CSV 文本文件中计算列值 (LINQ)

此示例演示如何对 .csv 文件的列执行诸如 Sum、Average、Min 和 Max 等聚合计算。 此处所示的示例原则可以应用于其他类型的结构化文本。


  • 将下面这些行复制到名为 scores.csv 的文件中,并将此文件保存到您的解决方案文件夹。 假定第一列表示学员 ID,后面几列表示四次考试的分数。

    111, 97, 92, 81, 60
    112, 75, 84, 91, 39
    113, 88, 94, 65, 91
    114, 97, 89, 85, 82
    115, 35, 72, 91, 70
    116, 99, 86, 90, 94
    117, 93, 92, 80, 87
    118, 92, 90, 83, 78
    119, 68, 79, 88, 92
    120, 99, 82, 81, 79
    121, 96, 85, 91, 60
    122, 94, 92, 91, 91


    Class SumColumns

        Public Shared Sub Main()

            Dim lines As String() = System.IO.File.ReadAllLines("../../../scores.csv")

            ' Specifies the column to compute
            ' This value could be passed in at runtime.
            Dim exam = 3

            ' Spreadsheet format:
            ' Student ID    Exam#1  Exam#2  Exam#3  Exam#4
            ' 111,          97,     92,     81,     60
            ' one is added to skip over the first column
            ' which holds the student ID.
            SumColumn(lines, exam + 1)

            ' Keep the console window open in debug mode.
            Console.WriteLine("Press any key to exit...")

        End Sub

        Shared Sub SumColumn(ByVal lines As IEnumerable(Of String), ByVal col As Integer)

            ' This query performs two steps:
            ' split the string into a string array
            ' convert the specified element to
            ' integer and select it.
            Dim columnQuery = From line In lines 
                               Let x = line.Split(",") 
                               Select Convert.ToInt32(x(col))

            ' Execute and cache the results for performance.
            ' Only needed with very large files.
            Dim results = columnQuery.ToList()

            ' Perform aggregate calculations 
            ' on the column specified by col.
            Dim avgScore = Aggregate score In results Into Average(score)
            Dim minScore = Aggregate score In results Into Min(score)
            Dim maxScore = Aggregate score In results Into Max(score)

            Console.WriteLine("Single Column Query:")
            Console.WriteLine("Exam #{0}: Average:{1:##.##} High Score:{2} Low Score:{3}", 
                         col, avgScore, maxScore, minScore)

        End Sub

        Shared Sub MultiColumns(ByVal lines As IEnumerable(Of String))

            Console.WriteLine("Multi Column Query:")

            ' Create the query. It will produce nested sequences. 
            ' multiColQuery performs these steps:
            ' 1) convert the string to a string array
            ' 2) skip over the "Student ID" column and take the rest
            ' 3) convert each field to an int and select that 
            '    entire sequence as one row in the results.
            Dim multiColQuery = From line In lines 
                                Let fields = line.Split(",") 
                                Select From str In fields Skip 1 
                                            Select Convert.ToInt32(str)

            Dim results = multiColQuery.ToList()

            ' Find out how many columns we have.
            Dim columnCount = results(0).Count()

            ' Perform aggregate calculations on each column.            
            ' One loop for each score column in scores.
            ' We can use a for loop because we have already
            ' executed the multiColQuery in the call to ToList.

            For j As Integer = 0 To columnCount - 1
                Dim column = j
                Dim res2 = From row In results 
                           Select row.ElementAt(column)

                ' Perform aggregate calculations 
                ' on the column specified by col.
                Dim avgScore = Aggregate score In res2 Into Average(score)
                Dim minScore = Aggregate score In res2 Into Min(score)
                Dim maxScore = Aggregate score In res2 Into Max(score)

                ' Add 1 to column numbers because exams in this course start with #1
                Console.WriteLine("Exam #{0} Average: {1:##.##} High Score: {2} Low Score: {3}", 
                                  column + 1, avgScore, maxScore, minScore)

        End Sub

    End Class
    ' Output:
    ' Single Column Query:
    ' Exam #4: Average:76.92 High Score:94 Low Score:39

    ' Multi Column Query:
    ' Exam #1 Average: 86.08 High Score: 99 Low Score: 35
    ' Exam #2 Average: 86.42 High Score: 94 Low Score: 72
    ' Exam #3 Average: 84.75 High Score: 91 Low Score: 65
    ' Exam #4 Average: 76.92 High Score: 94 Low Score: 39

class SumColumns
    static void Main(string[] args)
        string[] lines = System.IO.File.ReadAllLines(@"../../../scores.csv");

        // Specifies the column to compute.
        int exam = 3;

        // Spreadsheet format:
        // Student ID    Exam#1  Exam#2  Exam#3  Exam#4
        // 111,          97,     92,     81,     60

        // Add one to exam to skip over the first column,
        // which holds the student ID.
        SingleColumn(lines, exam + 1);

        Console.WriteLine("Press any key to exit");

    static void SingleColumn(IEnumerable<string> strs, int examNum)
        Console.WriteLine("Single Column Query:");

        // Parameter examNum specifies the column to 
        // run the calculations on. This value could be
        // passed in dynamically at runtime.             

        // Variable columnQuery is an IEnumerable<int>.
        // The following query performs two steps:
        // 1) use Split to break each row (a string) into an array 
        //    of strings, 
        // 2) convert the element at position examNum to an int
        //    and select it.
        var columnQuery =
            from line in strs
            let elements = line.Split(',')
            select Convert.ToInt32(elements[examNum]);

        // Execute the query and cache the results to improve
        // performance. This is helpful only with very large files.
        var results = columnQuery.ToList();

        // Perform aggregate calculations Average, Max, and
        // Min on the column specified by examNum.
        double average = results.Average();
        int max = results.Max();
        int min = results.Min();

        Console.WriteLine("Exam #{0}: Average:{1:##.##} High Score:{2} Low Score:{3}",
                 examNum, average, max, min);

    static void MultiColumns(IEnumerable<string> strs)
        Console.WriteLine("Multi Column Query:");

        // Create a query, multiColQuery. Explicit typing is used
        // to make clear that, when executed, multiColQuery produces 
        // nested sequences. However, you get the same results by
        // using 'var'.

        // The multiColQuery query performs the following steps:
        // 1) use Split to break each row (a string) into an array 
        //    of strings, 
        // 2) use Skip to skip the "Student ID" column, and store the 
        //    rest of the row in scores.
        // 3) convert each score in the current row from a string to
        //    an int, and select that entire sequence as one row 
        //    in the results.
        IEnumerable<IEnumerable<int>> multiColQuery =
            from line in strs
            let elements = line.Split(',')
            let scores = elements.Skip(1)
            select (from str in scores
                    select Convert.ToInt32(str));

        // Execute the query and cache the results to improve
        // performance. 
        // ToArray could be used instead of ToList.
        var results = multiColQuery.ToList();

        // Find out how many columns you have in results.
        int columnCount = results[0].Count();

        // Perform aggregate calculations Average, Max, and
        // Min on each column.            
        // Perform one iteration of the loop for each column 
        // of scores.
        // You can use a for loop instead of a foreach loop 
        // because you already executed the multiColQuery 
        // query by calling ToList.
        for (int column = 0; column < columnCount; column++)
            var results2 = from row in results
                           select row.ElementAt(column);
            double average = results2.Average();
            int max = results2.Max();
            int min = results2.Min();

            // Add one to column because the first exam is Exam #1,
            // not Exam #0.
            Console.WriteLine("Exam #{0} Average: {1:##.##} High Score: {2} Low Score: {3}",
                          column + 1, average, max, min);
/* Output:
    Single Column Query:
    Exam #4: Average:76.92 High Score:94 Low Score:39

    Multi Column Query:
    Exam #1 Average: 86.08 High Score: 99 Low Score: 35
    Exam #2 Average: 86.42 High Score: 94 Low Score: 72
    Exam #3 Average: 84.75 High Score: 91 Low Score: 65
    Exam #4 Average: 76.92 High Score: 94 Low Score: 39

查询的工作原理是使用 Split 方法将每一行文本转换为数组。 每个数组元素表示一列。 最后,每一列中的文本都转换为其数字表示形式。 如果文件是制表符分隔文件,只需将 Split 方法中的参数更新为 \t。


  • 创建一个面向 .NET Framework 3.5 版的 Visual Studio 项目。 默认情况下,该项目具有对 System.Core.dll 的引用以及针对 System.Linq 命名空间的 using 指令 (C#) 或 Imports 语句 (Visual Basic)。

  • 将此代码复制到您的项目。

  • 按 F5 编译并运行程序。

  • 按任意键退出控制台窗口。



LINQ 和字符串

LINQ 和文件目录