Resource 成员

A resource.

以下各表列出了由 Resource 类型公开的成员。

公共 构造函数

  Name 说明
  Resource Initializes a new instance of the Resource class.


公共 属性

  Name 说明
ETag Optional. ETag identifying the current entity revision on the server.
Label Optional. Label of the resource.
Name Optional. A name for the resource. The name must be unique within the subscription ID and cloud service.
OutputItems Optional.
Plan Optional. The plan of the resource.
ResourceProviderNamespace Optional. Namespace identifier for the resource provider.
SchemaVersion Optional. Optional version of the intrinsic properties for the resource. If not specified, you must conform to the default contract resource.
State Optional. The current resource status.
SubState Optional. An optional, more detailed resource status.
Type Optional. The Type for the resource.


公共 方法

(另请参见 受保护 方法)

  Name 说明
Equals  (继承自 Object
GetHashCode  (继承自 Object
GetType  (继承自 Object
ToString  (继承自 Object


受保护 方法

  Name 说明
Finalize  (继承自 Object
MemberwiseClone  (继承自 Object




Resource 类
Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Scheduler.Models.CloudServiceGetResponse 命名空间