IAutomationManagementClient 成员
以下各表列出了由 IAutomationManagementClient 类型公开的成员。
公共 属性
Name | 说明 | |
Activities | Service operation for automation activities. (see https://aka.ms/azureautomationsdk/activityoperations for more information) | |
ApiVersion | Gets the API version. | |
AutomationAccounts | Service operation for automation accounts. (see https://aka.ms/azureautomationsdk/automationaccountoperations for more information) | |
BaseUri | Gets the URI used as the base for all cloud service requests. | |
Certificates | Service operation for automation certificates. (see https://aka.ms/azureautomationsdk/certificateoperations for more information) | |
CloudServices | ||
Connections | Service operation for automation connections. (see https://aka.ms/azureautomationsdk/connectionoperations for more information) | |
ConnectionTypes | Service operation for automation connectiontypes. (see https://aka.ms/azureautomationsdk/connectiontypeoperations for more information) | |
Credentials | Gets subscription credentials which uniquely identify Microsoft Azure subscription. The subscription ID forms part of the URI for every service call. | |
Jobs | Service operation for automation jobs. (see https://aka.ms/azureautomationsdk/joboperations for more information) | |
JobSchedules | Service operation for automation job schedules. (see https://aka.ms/azureautomationsdk/jobscheduleoperations for more information) | |
JobStreams | Service operation for automation job streams. (see https://aka.ms/azureautomationsdk/jobstreamoperations for more information) | |
LongRunningOperationInitialTimeout | Gets or sets the initial timeout for Long Running Operations. | |
LongRunningOperationRetryTimeout | Gets or sets the retry timeout for Long Running Operations. | |
Modules | Service operation for automation modules. (see https://aka.ms/azureautomationsdk/moduleoperations for more information) | |
PsCredentials | Service operation for automation credentials. (see https://aka.ms/azureautomationsdk/credentialoperations for more information) | |
ResourceNamespace | Gets or sets the resource namespace. | |
RunbookDraft | Service operation for automation runbook draft. (see https://aka.ms/azureautomationsdk/runbookdraftoperations for more information) | |
Runbooks | Service operation for automation runbooks. (see https://aka.ms/azureautomationsdk/runbookoperations for more information) | |
Schedules | Service operation for automation schedules. (see https://aka.ms/azureautomationsdk/scheduleoperations for more information) | |
TestJobs | Service operation for automation test jobs. (see https://aka.ms/azureautomationsdk/testjoboperations for more information) | |
Variables | Service operation for automation variables. (see https://aka.ms/azureautomationsdk/variableoperations for more information) |
公共 方法
(另请参见 Extension 方法)
Name | 说明 | |
GetOperationResultStatusAsync | The Get Operation Status operation returns the status of the specified operation. After calling an asynchronous operation, you can call Get Operation Status to determine whether the operation has succeeded, failed, or is still in progress. | |
GetOperationStatusAsync | The Get Operation Status operation returns the status of thespecified operation. After calling an asynchronous operation, you can call Get Operation Status to determine whether the operation has succeeded, failed, or is still in progress. (see https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windowsazure/ee460783.aspx for more information) |
Extension 方法
Name | 说明 | |
CreateAutomationAccount | (Defined by AutomationManagementExtensions.) | |
DeleteAutomationAccount | (Defined by AutomationManagementExtensions.) | |
GetOperationResultStatus | (Defined by AutomationManagementClientExtensions.) | |
GetOperationResultStatusAsync | (Defined by AutomationManagementClientExtensions.) | |
GetOperationStatus | (Defined by AutomationManagementClientExtensions.) | |
GetOperationStatusAsync | (Defined by AutomationManagementClientExtensions.) |
IAutomationManagementClient 接口
Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Automation 命名空间