StorageAccountOperationsExtensions 成员

Represents the extensions for storage account management.

以下各表列出了由 StorageAccountOperationsExtensions 类型公开的成员。

公共 方法

  Name 说明
BeginCreating Initiates the creation of a storage account.
BeginCreatingAsync Asynchronously initiates the creation of a storage account.
CheckNameAvailability Checks for the availability of the specified storage account name.
CheckNameAvailabilityAsync Asynchronously checks for the availability of the specified storage account name.
Create Creates a storage account.
CreateAsync Asynchronously creates a storage account.
Delete Deletes a storage account.
DeleteAsync Asynchronously deletes a storage account.
Get Retrieves information about a storage account.
GetAsync Asynchronously retrieves information about a storage account.
GetKeys Retrieves the primary and secondary access keys for a storage account.
GetKeysAsync Asynchronously retrieves the primary and secondary access keys for a storage account.
List Lists the storage accounts in a subscription.
ListAsync Asynchronously lists the storage accounts in a subscription.
RegenerateKeys Regenerates the primary or secondary access key for a storage account.
RegenerateKeysAsync Asynchronously regenerates the primary or secondary access key for a storage account.
Update Updates attributes of a storage account.
UpdateAsync Asynchronously updates attributes of a storage account.




StorageAccountOperationsExtensions 类
Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Storage 命名空间