MetricTrigger 成员

A rule that provides the triggers and parameters for the scaling action.

以下各表列出了由 MetricTrigger 类型公开的成员。

公共 构造函数

  Name 说明
  MetricTrigger Initializes a new instance of the MetricTrigger class.


公共 属性

  Name 说明
MetricName Optional. The name of the metric.
MetricNamespace Optional. The namespace of the metric.
MetricSource Optional. The metric source.
Operator Optional. The operator that is used to evaluate the metric.
Statistic Optional. How the metrics from multiple instances are combined.
Threshold Optional. The percentage of usage that triggers the scaling operation.
TimeAggregation Optional. How the data that is collected should be combined over time.
TimeGrain Optional. The frequency of data collection.
TimeWindow Optional. The range of time in which instance data is collected.


公共 方法

(另请参见 受保护 方法)

  Name 说明
Equals  (继承自 Object
GetHashCode  (继承自 Object
GetType  (继承自 Object
ToString  (继承自 Object


受保护 方法

  Name 说明
Finalize  (继承自 Object
MemberwiseClone  (继承自 Object




MetricTrigger 类
Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Monitoring.Autoscale.Models 命名空间