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Applications use the methods of the IDirectDraw interface to create DirectDraw objects and work with system-level variables. For a conceptual overview, see DirectDraw in the Graphics and Multimedia guide.

The methods of the IDirectDraw interface are organized into the following groups:

  PPC SP  
Cooperative levels X X SetCooperativeLevel
  X X TestCooperativeLevel
Creating objects X X CreateClipper
  X X CreateSurface
Device capabilities X X GetCaps
  X X GetDeviceIdentifier
Display modes X X EnumDisplayModes
  X X GetDisplayMode
  X X GetMonitorFrequency
  X X RestoreDisplayMode
  X X SetDisplayMode
  X X WaitForVerticalBlank
Display status X X GetScanLine
  X X GetVerticalBlankStatus
Miscellaneous X X GetAvailableVidMem
  X X GetFourCCCodes
Surface management X X EnumSurfaces
  X X FlipToGDISurface
  X X GetGDISurface
  X X GetSurfaceFromDC
  X X RestoreAllSurfaces

The IDirectDraw interface, like all COM interfaces, inherits the IUnknown interface methods.

The IUnknown interface supports the following three methods:

  PPC SP  
IUnknown X X AddRef
  X X QueryInterface
  X X Release

The IDirectDraw::Initialize method is not supported in Windows CE.

You can use the LPDIRECTDRAW to declare a variable that contains a pointer to an IDirectDraw interface. The Ddraw.h header file declares this data type with the following code.

typedef struct IDirectDraw      *LPDIRECTDRAW;


Pocket PC: Windows Mobile 5.0 and later
Smartphone: Windows Mobile 5.0 and later
OS Versions: Windows CE 5.01 and later
Header: Ddraw.h.
Library: Ddraw.lib.

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