此 API 已过时。另一种方法是 unordered_map Class。
返回用于的分配器对象的复制构造 hash_map。
Allocator get_allocator( ) const;
hash_map 使用的分配器。
hash_map 选件类的分配器指定选件类如何管理存储。 默认分配程序提供了 STL 容器选件类对于大多数编程的需要就足够了。 编写和使用您的分配器选件类是高级 C++ 主题。
在 Visual C++ .NET 2003 中,<hash_map> 和 <hash_set> 标头文件的成员中不再标准,命名空间,而是将 stdext 命名空间。 有关更多信息,请参见 stdext 命名空间。
// hash_map_get_allocator.cpp
// compile with: /EHsc
#include <hash_map>
#include <iostream>
int main( )
using namespace std;
using namespace stdext;
hash_map <int, int>::allocator_type hm1_Alloc;
hash_map <int, int>::allocator_type hm2_Alloc;
hash_map <int, double>::allocator_type hm3_Alloc;
hash_map <int, int>::allocator_type hm4_Alloc;
// The following lines declare objects
// that use the default allocator.
hash_map <int, int> hm1;
hash_map <int, int> hm2;
hash_map <int, double> hm3;
hm1_Alloc = hm1.get_allocator( );
hm2_Alloc = hm2.get_allocator( );
hm3_Alloc = hm3.get_allocator( );
cout << "The number of integers that can be allocated"
<< endl << "before free memory is exhausted: "
<< hm2.max_size( ) << "." << endl;
cout << "The number of doubles that can be allocated"
<< endl << "before free memory is exhausted: "
<< hm3.max_size( ) << "." << endl;
// The following line creates a hash_map hm4
// with the allocator of hash_map hm1.
hash_map <int, int> hm4( less<int>( ), hm1_Alloc );
hm4_Alloc = hm4.get_allocator( );
// Two allocators are interchangeable if
// storage allocated from each can be
// deallocated with the other
if( hm1_Alloc == hm4_Alloc )
cout << "The allocators are interchangeable."
<< endl;
cout << "The allocators are not interchangeable."
<< endl;
下面的输出是针对 x86。
The number of integers that can be allocated
before free memory is exhausted: 536870911.
The number of doubles that can be allocated
before free memory is exhausted: 268435455.
The allocators are interchangeable.
标头: <hash_map>
命名空间: stdext