
默认 Helper 例程在与挂钩函数通信时和在异常期间使用几种结构。 下面是通知和失败值、信息结构和传递给挂钩的指向挂钩函数的指针类型:

// Delay load import hook notifications
enum {
    dliStartProcessing,        // used to bypass or note helper only
    dliNotePreLoadLibrary,     // called just before LoadLibrary, can
                               //  override w/ new HMODULE return val
    dliNotePreGetProcAddress,  // called just before GetProcAddress, can
                               //  override w/ new FARPROC return value
    dliFailLoadLib,            // failed to load library, fix it by
                               //  returning a valid HMODULE
    dliFailGetProc,            // failed to get proc address, fix it by
                               //  returning a valid FARPROC
    dliNoteEndProcessing,      // called after all processing is done, no
                               //  bypass possible at this point except
                               //  by longjmp()/throw()/RaiseException.

typedef struct DelayLoadProc {
    BOOL                fImportByName;
    union {
        LPCSTR          szProcName;
        DWORD           dwOrdinal;
    } DelayLoadProc;

typedef struct DelayLoadInfo {
    DWORD           cb;         // size of structure
    PCImgDelayDescr pidd;       // raw form of data (everything is there)
    FARPROC *       ppfn;       // points to address of function to load
    LPCSTR          szDll;      // name of dll
    DelayLoadProc   dlp;        // name or ordinal of procedure
    HMODULE         hmodCur;    // the hInstance of the library we have loaded
    FARPROC         pfnCur;     // the actual function that will be called
    DWORD           dwLastError;// error received (if an error notification)
    } DelayLoadInfo, * PDelayLoadInfo;

typedef FARPROC (WINAPI *PfnDliHook)(
    unsigned        dliNotify,
    PDelayLoadInfo  pdli

typedef struct ImgDelayDescr {
    DWORD        grAttrs;        // attributes
    RVA          rvaDLLName;     // RVA to dll name
    RVA          rvaHmod;        // RVA of module handle
    RVA          rvaIAT;         // RVA of the IAT
    RVA          rvaINT;         // RVA of the INT
    RVA          rvaBoundIAT;    // RVA of the optional bound IAT
    RVA          rvaUnloadIAT;   // RVA of optional copy of original IAT
    DWORD        dwTimeStamp;    // 0 if not bound,
                                 // O.W. date/time stamp of DLL bound to (Old BIND)
    } ImgDelayDescr, * PImgDelayDescr;



了解 Helper 函数