
Retrieves DNS server statistics or statistics for zones.


   [-ComputerName <String>]
   [-CimSession <CimSession[]>]
   [-ThrottleLimit <Int32>]
   [-ComputerName <String>]
   -ZoneName <String[]>
   [-CimSession <CimSession[]>]
   [-ThrottleLimit <Int32>]


The Get-DnsServerStatistics cmdlet retrieves statistics of a Domain Name System (DNS) server. If the ZoneName parameter is specified, this cmdlet gets statistics for the zones specified by that parameter. If the ZoneName parameter is not specified, the cmdlet gets aggregated server level statistics.

If the Clear parameter is specified along with the ZoneName parameter, the statistics for the specified zone will also be cleared.


Example 1: Get server statistics for a the local DNS server

PS C:\> Get-DnsServerStatistics

This command gets server statistics for the local DNS server.

Example 2: Get server statistics for a specific zone

PS C:\> Get-DnsServerStatistics -ZoneName ""

This command gets the statistics for the DNS zone named

Example 3: Clear statistics for a specific zone

PS C:\> Get-DnsServerStatistics -ZoneName "" -Clear

This command gets the current zone statistics and resets the statistics counter for the DNS zone named



Runs the cmdlet as a background job. Use this parameter to run commands that take a long time to complete.

The cmdlet immediately returns an object that represents the job and then displays the command prompt. You can continue to work in the session while the job completes. To manage the job, use the *-Job cmdlets. To get the job results, use the Receive-Job cmdlet.

For more information about Windows PowerShell background jobs, see about_Jobs.

Default value:None
Accept pipeline input:False
Accept wildcard characters:False


Runs the cmdlet in a remote session or on a remote computer. Enter a computer name or a session object, such as the output of a New-CimSession or Get-CimSession cmdlet. The default is the current session on the local computer.

Default value:None
Accept pipeline input:False
Accept wildcard characters:False


Indicates that the cmdlet clears statistics for the zones that you specify in the ZoneName parameter.

Default value:None
Accept pipeline input:False
Accept wildcard characters:False


Specifies a DNS server. The acceptable values for this parameter are: an IP V4 address; an IP V6 address; any other value that resolves to an IP address, such as a fully qualified domain name (FQDN), host name, or NETBIOS name.

Default value:None
Accept pipeline input:False
Accept wildcard characters:False


Specifies the maximum number of concurrent operations that can be established to run the cmdlet. If this parameter is omitted or a value of 0 is entered, then Windows PowerShell® calculates an optimum throttle limit for the cmdlet based on the number of CIM cmdlets that are running on the computer. The throttle limit applies only to the current cmdlet, not to the session or to the computer.

Default value:None
Accept pipeline input:False
Accept wildcard characters:False


Specifies an array of names of DNS zones for which to get DNS statistics. This parameter is mandatory for the ZoneStatistics parameter set.

Default value:None
Accept pipeline input:True
Accept wildcard characters:False



CacheStatistics contains: FailedFreePasses, PassesRequiringAggressiveFree, PassesWithNoFrees, and SuccessfulFreePasses.

DatabaseStatistics contains: NodeInUse, NodeMemory, NodeReturn, and NodeUsed.

DnssecStatistics contains: FailedValidations, RecursionFailures, and SuccessfulValidations.

DsStatistics contains: DsNodesAdded, DsNodesDeleted, DsNodesLoaded, DsNodesModified, DsNodesTombstoned, DsRecordsAdded, DsRecordsLoaded, DsRecordsReplaced, DsSerialWrites, DsTombstonesRead, DsTotalNodesRead, DsTotalRecordsRead, DsUpdateNodesRead, DsUpdateRecordsRead, DsUpdateSearches, DsWriteSuppressed, DsWriteType, FailedDeleteDsEntries, FailedLdapAdd, FailedLdapModify, FailedReadRecords, LdapReconnects, LdapSearchTime, LdapTimedWrites, LdapWriteAverage, LdapWriteBucket0, LdapWriteBucket1, LdapWriteBucket2, LdapWriteBucket3, LdapWriteBucket4, LdapWriteBucket5, LdapWriteMax, LdapWriteTimeTotal, PollingPassesWithDsErrors, UpdateAdmin, UpdateAgingOff, UpdateAgingOn, UpdateAginRefresh, UpdateAutoConfig, UpdateLists, UpdateNodes, UpdatePacket, UpdateRecordChange, UpdateScavenge, UpdatePacketPrecon, UpdateSuppressed, UpdateTombstones, and UpdateWrites.

ErrorStatistics contains: BadKey, BadSig, BadTime, FormError, Max, NoError, NotAuthoritative, NotImpl, NotZone, NxDomain, NxRRSet, Refused, ServFail, UnknownError, YxDomain, and YxRRSet.

MasterStatistics contains: AxfrLimit, AxfrRequest, AxfrSuccess, Failure, FormError, IxfrAxfr, IxfrNoVersion, IxfrRequest, IxfrTcpRequest, IxfrTcpSuccess, IxfrUdpForceAxfr, IxfrUdpForceTcp, IxfrUdpRequest, IxfrUdpSuccess, IxfrUpdateSuccess, NameError, NotifySent, Refused, RefuseLoading, RefuseNotAuth, RefuseReadOnly, RefuseSecurity, RefuseServerFailure, RefuseShutdown, RefuseZoneLocked, Request, and StubAxfrRequest.

MemoryStatistics contains: Alloc, Free, Memory, MemTags, StdBlockAlloc, StdBlockFreeList, StdBlockFreeListMemory, StdBlockInUse, StdBlockMemory, StdBlockReturn, StdBlockUsed, StdInUse, StdMemory, StdReturn, StdToHeapAlloc, StdToHeapFree, StdToHeapMemory, and StdUsed.

NetBiosStatistics contains: NbstatAlloc, NbstatFree, NbstatInFreeList, NbstatInUse, NbstatMemory, NbstatNetAllocs, NbstatReturn, NbstatUsed, and PSComputerName.

PacketStatistics contains: PacketsForNsListInUse, PacketsForNsListReturned, PacketsForNsListUsed, RecursePacketReturn, RecursePacketUsed, TcpAlloc, TcpFree, cpMemory, TcpNetAllocs, UdpAlloc, UdpFree, UdpInFreeList, UdpInUse, UdpMemory, UdpNetAllocs, UdpQueryReturn, UdpResponseReturn, UdpReturn, and UdpUsed.

PrivateStatistics contains: SecBigTimeSkewBypass, TcpConnect, TcpDisconnect, TcpQuery, UdpConnResetRetryOverflow, UdpConnResets, UdpErrorMessageSize, UdpGQCSConnReset, UdpGQCSFailure, UdpGQCSFailureWithContext, UdpIndicateRecvFailures, UdpRecvFailure, UdpRestartRecvOnSockets, UdpSocketPnpDelete, ZoneLoadInit, and PSComputerName.

Query2Statistics contains: Notify, Standard, TKeyNego, TotalQueries, TypeA, TypeAll, TypeAxfr, TypeIxfr, TypeMx, TypeNs, TypeOther, TypePtr, TypeSoa, TypeSrv, and Update.

QueryStatistics contains: TcpClientConnections, TcpQueries, TcpQueriesSent, TcpResponses, TcpResponsesReceived, UdpQueries, UdpQueriesSent, UdpResponses, and UdpResponsesReceived.

RecordStatistics contains: CacheCurrent, CacheTimeouts, CacheTotal, InUse, Memory, Return, SlowFreeFinished, SlowFreeQueued, and Used.

RecursionStatistics contains: AdditionalRecursed, CacheLockingDiscards, CacheUpdateAlloc, CacheUpdateFailure, CacheUpdateFree, CacheUpdateResponse, CacheUpdateRetry, ContinueCurrentLookup, ContinueCurrentRecursion, ContinueNextLookup, DiscardedDuplicateQueries, DuplicateCoalesedQueries, FailureReachAuthority, FailureReachPreviousResponse, FinalTimeoutExpired, FinalTimeoutQueued, Forwards, GnzLocalQuery, GnzRemoteQuery, GnzRemoteResponse, GnzRemoteResponseCacheFailure, GnzRemoteResponseCacheSuccess, LookupPasses, OriginalQuestionRecursed, PartialFailure, QueriesRecursed, RecursePassFailure, RecursionFailure, ReferalPasses, ResponseAnswer, ResponseAuthoritative, ResponseBadPacket, ResponseDelegation, ResponseEmpty, ResponseFromForwarder, ResponseNameError, ResponseNonZoneData, ResponseNotAuthoritative, ResponseRCode, Responses, ResponsesMismatched, ResponsesUnmatched, ResponseUnsecure, ResumeSuspendedQuery, Retries, RootNsQuery, RootNsResponse, SendResponseDirect, Sends, ServerFailure, SuspendedQuery, TcpConnect, TcpDisconnect, TcpQuery, TcpResponse, TcpTry, TimedoutQueries, and TotalQuestionsRecursed.

SecondaryStatistics contains: AxfrInvalid, AxfrRefused, AxfrRequest, AxfrResponse, AxfrSuccess, IxfrTcpAxfr, IxfrTcpFormError, IxfrTcpInvalid, IxfrTcpRefused, IxfrTcpRequest, IxfrTcpResponse, IxfrTcpSuccess, IxfrUdpFormError, xfrUdpInvalid, IxfrUdpNewPrimary, IxfrUdpNoUpdate, IxfrUdpRefused, IxfrUdpRequest, IxfrUdpResponse, IxfrUdpSuccess, IxfrUdpUseAxfr, IxfrUdpUseTcp, IxfrUdpWrongServer, NotifyCurrentVersion, NotifyInvalid, NotifyMasterUnknown, NotifyNewVersion, NotifyNonPrimary, NotifyNoVersion, NotifyOldVersion, NotifyPrimary, NotifyReceived, SoaRequest, SoaResponse, SoaResponseInvalid, StubAxfrInvalid, StubAxfrRefused, StubAxfrRequest, StubAxfrResponse, and StubAxfrSuccess.

SecurityStatistics contains: SecurityContextCreate, SecurityContextDequeue, SecurityContextFree, SecurityContextQueue, SecurityContextQueueInNego, SecurityContextQueueInNegoComplete, SecurityContextQueueLength, SecurityContextTimeout, SecurityPackAlloc, SecurityPackFree, SecurityTKeyBadTime, SecurityTKeyInvalid, SecurityTSigBadKey, SecurityTSigEcho, SecurityTSigFormError, SecurityTSigVerifyFailed, and SecurityTSigVerifySuccess.

TimeoutStatistics contains: ActiveRecord, AlreadyInSystem, ArrayBlocksCreated, ArrayBlocksDeleted, CanNotDelete, Checks, DelayedFreesExecuted, DelayedFreesExecutedWithFunction, DelayedFreesQueued, DelayedFreesQueuedWithFunction, Deleted, RecentAccess, SetDirect, SetFromChildDelete, SetFromDereference, and SetTotal.

TimeStatistics contains: LastClearTime, ServerStartTime, TimeElapsedSinceLastClearedStatistics, TimeElapsedSinceLastClearedStatisticsBetweenRestart, TimeElapsedSinceServerStart, and TimeElapsedSinceServerStartBetweenRestart.

UpdateStatistics contains: Completed, DsSuccess, DsWriteFailure, Empty, FormError, ForwardInQueue, ForwardResponses, Forwards, ForwardTimeouts, InQueue, NoOps, NotAuthoritative, NotImplemented, NotZone, NxDomain, NxRRset, Queued, Received, Refused, RefusedAccessDenied, RefusedNonSecure, Rejected, SecureDsWriteFailure, SecureFailure, SecureSuccess, TcpForwards, Timeout, UpdateType, YxDomain, and YxRRset.

WinsStatistics contains: WinsLookups, WinsResponses, WinsReverseLookups, and WinsReverseResponses.


This cmdlet outputs this object for the ZoneStatistics parameter set. This object contains the following properties:

Name: Name of the zone.

StatsCollectionStartTime contains the time at which the zone statistics collection started.

ZoneQueryStatistics contains: QueriesFailure, QueriesResponded, QueriesNameError. and QueriesReceived. Query information is provided for the following resource record types: A, AAAA, PTR, CNAME, MX, AFSDB, ATMA, DHCID, DNAME, HINFO, ISDN, MG (Mail Group), MB (Mail Box), MINFO (Mail Box Information), NAPTR (Naming Authority Pointer), NXT (Next Domain), KEY (Public Key), MR (Renamed Mailbox), RP (Responsible Person), RT (Route Through), SRV (Service Location), SIG (Signature), TXT (Text), WKS (Well Known Services), X.25, DNSKEY, DS, NS, and SOA. The information for other records is collected under the record type OTHER. The statistics for the record type ANY are collected under the record type ALL.

ZoneTransferStatistics contains: SuccessSent, ResponseReceived, RequestSent, RequestReceived, SuccessReceived, and TransferType: IXFR or AXR.

ZoneUpdateStatistics contains: DynamicUpdateReceived and DynamicUpdateRejected.