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为 Azure SQL 产品/服务提供 SKU 建议
[-OutputFolder <String>]
[-TargetPlatform <String>]
[-TargetSqlInstance <String>]
[-TargetPercentile <String>]
[-ScalingFactor <String>]
[-StartTime <String>]
[-EndTime <String>]
[-DatabaseAllowList <String>]
[-DatabaseDenyList <String>]
-ConfigFilePath <String>
为 Azure SQL 产品/服务提供 SKU 建议
示例 1:使用连接字符串对给定的 SQL Server 运行 SKU 建议
Get-AzDataMigrationSkuRecommendation -DisplayResult
Starting SKU recommendation...
Performing aggregation for instance AALAB03-2K8...
Aggregation complete. Calculating SKU recommendations...
Instance name: AALAB03-2K8
SKU recommendation: Azure SQL Managed Instance:
Compute: Gen5 - GeneralPurpose - 4 cores
Storage: 64 GB
Recommendation reasons:
According to the performance data collected, we estimate that your SQL server instance has a requirement for 0.16 vCores of CPU. For greater flexibility, based on your scaling factor of 100.00%, we are making a recommendation based on 0.16 vCores. Based on all the other factors, including memory, storage, and IO, this is the smallest compute sizing that will satisfy all of your needs.
This SQL Server instance requires 0.44 GB of memory, which is within this SKU's limit of 20.40 GB.
This SQL Server instance requires 32.37 GB of storage for data files. We recommend provisioning 64 GB of storage, which is the closest valid amount that can be provisioned that meets your requirement.
This SQL Server instance requires 0.00 MB/second of combined read/write IO throughput. This is a relatively idle instance, so IO latency is not considered.
Assuming the database uses the Full Recovery Model, this SQL Server instance requires 1 IOPS for data and log files.
This is the most cost-efficient offering among all the performance eligible SKUs.
Finishing SKU recommendations...
Event and Error Logs Folder Path: C:\Users\vmanhas\AppData\Local\Microsoft\SqlAssessment\Logs
此命令使用连接字符串在给定的 SQL Server 上运行运行 SKU 建议。
示例 2:使用评估配置文件在给定的 SQL Server 上运行运行 SKU 建议
Get-AzDataMigrationSkuRecommendation -ConfigFilePath "C:\Users\user\document\config.json"
Starting SKU recommendation...
Performing aggregation for instance AALAB03-2K8...
Aggregation complete. Calculating SKU recommendations...
Instance name: AALAB03-2K8
SKU recommendation: Azure SQL Managed Instance:
Compute: Gen5 - GeneralPurpose - 4 cores
Storage: 64 GB
Recommendation reasons:
According to the performance data collected, we estimate that your SQL server instance has a requirement for 0.16 vCores of CPU. For greater flexibility, based on your scaling factor of 100.00%, we are making a recommendation based on 0.16 vCores. Based on all the other factors, including memory, storage, and IO, this is the smallest compute sizing that will satisfy all of your needs.
This SQL Server instance requires 0.44 GB of memory, which is within this SKU's limit of 20.40 GB.
This SQL Server instance requires 32.37 GB of storage for data files. We recommend provisioning 64 GB of storage, which is the closest valid amount that can be provisioned that meets your requirement.
This SQL Server instance requires 0.00 MB/second of combined read/write IO throughput. This is a relatively idle instance, so IO latency is not considered.
Assuming the database uses the Full Recovery Model, this SQL Server instance requires 1 IOPS for data and log files.
This is the most cost-efficient offering among all the performance eligible SKUs.
Finishing SKU recommendations...
Event and Error Logs Folder Path: C:\Users\vmanhas\AppData\Local\Microsoft\SqlAssessment\Logs
此命令使用配置文件在给定的 SQL Server 上运行运行 SKU 建议。
ConfigFile 的路径
类型: | String |
Position: | Named |
默认值: | None |
必需: | True |
接受管道输入: | False |
接受通配符: | False |
自选。 允许在排除所有其他数据库时考虑 SKU 建议考虑的数据库名称的空格分隔列表。 仅设置以下项之一或两者:databaseAllowList、databaseDenyList。 如何传递 - “Database1 Database2”(默认值:null)
类型: | String |
Position: | Named |
默认值: | None |
必需: | False |
接受管道输入: | False |
接受通配符: | False |
自选。 不考虑 SKU 建议的数据库名称的空格分隔列表。 仅设置以下项之一或两者:databaseAllowList、databaseDenyList。 如何传递 - “Database1 Database2”(默认值:null)
类型: | String |
Position: | Named |
默认值: | None |
必需: | False |
接受管道输入: | False |
接受通配符: | False |
自选。 是否将 SKU 建议结果打印到控制台。
类型: | SwitchParameter |
Position: | Named |
默认值: | None |
必需: | False |
接受管道输入: | False |
接受通配符: | False |
自选。 是否根据资源使用情况分析使用 SKU 建议的弹性策略。
类型: | SwitchParameter |
Position: | Named |
默认值: | None |
必需: | False |
接受管道输入: | False |
接受通配符: | False |
自选。 聚合期间要考虑的性能数据的 UTC 结束时间,采用 YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM 格式。 仅用于基线(非弹性)策略。 (默认值:将考虑收集的所有数据点)
类型: | String |
Position: | Named |
默认值: | None |
必需: | False |
接受管道输入: | False |
接受通配符: | False |
要将数据和结果报告写入/读取到的文件夹。 此处的值必须与 PerfDataCollection 中使用的值相同
类型: | String |
Position: | Named |
默认值: | None |
必需: | False |
接受管道输入: | False |
接受通配符: | False |
自选。 是否覆盖任何现有的 SKU 建议报告。
类型: | SwitchParameter |
Position: | Named |
默认值: | None |
必需: | False |
接受管道输入: | False |
接受通配符: | False |
类型: | SwitchParameter |
Position: | Named |
默认值: | None |
必需: | False |
接受管道输入: | False |
接受通配符: | False |
自选。 在 SKU 建议期间使用的缩放(舒适)因子。 例如,如果确定有 4 个 vCore CPU 要求,缩放系数为 150%,则真正的 CPU 要求将为 6 个 vCore。 (默认值:100)
类型: | String |
Position: | Named |
默认值: | None |
必需: | False |
接受管道输入: | False |
接受通配符: | False |
自选。 聚合期间要考虑的性能数据点的 UTC 开始时间,采用 YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM 格式。 仅用于基线(非弹性)策略。 (默认值:将考虑收集的所有数据点)
类型: | String |
Position: | Named |
默认值: | None |
必需: | False |
接受管道输入: | False |
接受通配符: | False |
自选。 性能数据聚合期间要使用的数据点百分位数。 仅用于基线(非弹性)策略。 (默认值:95)
类型: | String |
Position: | Named |
默认值: | None |
必需: | False |
接受管道输入: | False |
接受通配符: | False |
自选。 SKU 建议的目标平台:AzureSqlDatabase、AzureSqlManagedInstance、AzureSqlVirtualMachine 或 Any。 如果选择了“任何”,则会评估所有三个目标平台的 SKU 建议,并返回最佳拟合度。 (默认值:任意)
类型: | String |
Position: | Named |
默认值: | None |
必需: | False |
接受管道输入: | False |
接受通配符: | False |
自选。 SKU 建议面向的 SQL 实例的名称。 (默认值:将扫描 outputFolder 以获取 PerfDataCollection作创建的文件,并为找到的每个实例提供建议)
类型: | String |
Position: | Named |
默认值: | None |
必需: | False |
接受管道输入: | False |
接受通配符: | False |