
在 Microsoft Outlook 中,可以使用 NavigationGroupsNavigationFolders 集合遍历导航窗格中模块的组和文件夹层次结构。 NavigationModule 对象的 NavigationGroups 集合包含导航模块中显示的每个导航组,而 NavigationGroup 对象的 NavigationFolders 集合包含导航组中显示的每个导航文件夹。


下面的示例计数选定的导航文件夹,这些文件夹将显示在导航窗格的“日历”导航模块中。 本示例执行下列操作:

  1. 首先为活动浏览器获取 NavigationPane 对象的引用。

  2. 然后,它使用 NavigationModules 集合的 GetNavigationModule 方法从 NavigationPane 对象获取对 CalendarModule 对象的引用。

  3. 然后,该示例通过 CalendarModule 对象的 NavigationGroups 集合进行枚举。 然后,对于集合中的每个 NavigationGroup ,该示例将枚举 NavigationFolders 集合。

  4. 如果 NavigationFolders 集合中包含的 NavigationFolder 对象的 IsSelected 属性设置为 True,则变量intCounter将递增。

  5. 最后,该示例显示包含 值的 intCounter对话框。

Dim WithEvents objPane As NavigationPane 
Private Sub EnumerateActiveCalendarFolders() 
 Dim objModule As CalendarModule 
 Dim objGroup As NavigationGroup 
 Dim objFolder As NavigationFolder 
 Dim intCounter As Integer 
 On Error GoTo ErrRoutine 
 ' Get the NavigationPane object for the 
 ' currently displayed Explorer object. 
 Set objPane = Application.ActiveExplorer.NavigationPane 
 ' Get the CalendarModule object, if one exists, 
 ' for the current Navigation Pane. 
 Set objModule = objPane.Modules.GetNavigationModule(olModuleCalendar) 
 ' Iterate through each NavigationGroup contained 
 ' by the CalendarModule. 
 For Each objGroup In objModule.NavigationGroups 
 ' Iterate through each NavigationFolder contained 
 ' by the NavigationGroup. 
 For Each objFolder In objGroup.NavigationFolders 
 ' Check if the folder is selected. 
 If objFolder.IsSelected Then 
 intCounter = intCounter + 1 
 End If 
 ' Display the results. 
 MsgBox "There are " & intCounter & " selected calendars in the Calendar module." 
 On Error GoTo 0 
 Set objFolder = Nothing 
 Set objGroup = Nothing 
 Set objModule = Nothing 
 Set objPane = Nothing 
 intCounter = 0 
 Exit Sub 
 MsgBox Err.Number & " - " & Err.Description, _ 
 vbOKOnly Or vbCritical, _ 
End Sub


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