Me 关键字使用无效
Me关键字 (keyword) 可以出现在类模块中。 此错误的原因及解决方案如下:
The Me keyword can't appear in a standard module because a standard module doesn't represent an object. If you copied the code in question from a class module, you have to replace the Me keyword with the specific object or form name to preserve the original reference.
The Me keyword appeared on the left side of a Set assignment, for example:
Set Me = MyObject ' Causes "Invalid use of Me keyword" message.
Remove the Set assignment.
“Me”关键字可出现在“Let”分配的左侧,在此情况下,“Me”表示的对象的默认属性已设置。 例如:
Let Me = MyObject ' Valid assignment with explicit Let. Me = MyObject ' Valid assignment with implicit Let.
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