Application.CurrentScope 属性 (Visio)
确定引起事件触发的范围 ID。 此为只读属性。
expression:表示 Application 对象的变量。
如果范围没有打开,则返回 visScopeIDInvalid (-1)。 范围 ID 可以是对应于 Visio 命令的内部 Microsoft Visio 范围 ID,也可以是由 BeginUndoScope 方法传递给自动化客户机的外部范围 ID。
如果 EnterScope 事件已经触发而 ExitScope 事件却尚未触发,则事件的接收方会认为范围处于打开状态。
要确定事件队列的触发是与应用程序内部的特定范围相关,还是与自动化客户机打开或关闭的范围相关,请使用 IsInScope 属性。
以下示例显示如何使用 CurrentScope 属性确定当前范围的 ID。
Private WithEvents vsoApplication As Visio.Application
Private lngScopeID As Long
Public Sub ScopeActions()
Dim vsoShape As Visio.Shape
'Set the module level application variable to
'trap Application level events.
Set vsoApplication = Application
'Begin a scope, set the module level variable.
lngScopeID = Application.BeginUndoScope("Draw Shapes")
'Draw three shapes.
Set vsoShape = ActivePage.DrawRectangle(1, 2, 2, 1)
ActivePage.DrawOval 3, 4, 4, 3
ActivePage.DrawLine 4, 5, 5, 4
'Change a cell (which would trigger a cell changed event).
vsoShape.Cells("Width").Formula = 5
'End and commit this scope.
Application.EndUndoScope lngScopeID, True
End Sub
Private Sub vsoApplication_CellChanged(ByVal Cell As IVCell)
'Check to see if this cell change is the result of something
'happening within the scope.
If vsoApplication.IsInScope(lngScopeID) Then
Debug.Print Cell.Name & " changed in scope "; lngScopeID
End If
End Sub
Private Sub vsoApplication_EnterScope(ByVal app As IVApplication, _
ByVal nScopeID As Long, _
ByVal bstrDescription As String)
If vsoApplication.CurrentScope = lngScopeID Then
Debug.Print "Entering current scope " & nScopeID
Debug.Print "Enter Scope " & bstrDescription & "(" & nScopeID & ")"
End If
End Sub
Private Sub vsoApplication_ExitScope(ByVal app As IVApplication, _
ByVal nScopeID As Long, _
ByVal strDescription As String, _
ByVal bErrOrCancelled As Boolean)
If vsoApplication.CurrentScope = lngScopeID Then
Debug.Print "Exiting current scope " & nScopeID
Debug.Print "ExitScope " & bstrDescription & "(" & nScopeID & ")"
End If
End Sub
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