Application.GetCacheStatusForProject 属性 (Project)

获取Project Professional中的活动缓存发送到 Project Server 队列系统的指定作业的状态。 只读 PjCacheJobState



expression:表示 Application 对象的变量。


名称 必需/可选 数据类型 说明
ProjectName 必需 字符串 项目的名称;可以是活动项目或打开的其他项目。
ProjectJobType 必需 PjJobType 可以是保存、发布或签入操作的 PjJobType 常量之一。


使用 Project Professional 执行使用 Project Server 中的队列方法之一的操作(例如保存更新、发布或签入项目)时,Project Professional缓存会将作业请求发送到 Project Server 队列系统。 GetCacheStatusForProject 属性公开该队列作业的状态。


以下示例中的 TestCacheStatus 宏保存活动项目,调用 WaitForJob 等待队列成功完成,然后发布项目。 WaitForJob 宏通过调用 GetCacheStatusForProject 定期检查作业状态,并将作业状态输出到“即时”窗口。 如果连续十次以上发现相同状态, 则 WaitForJob 宏假定存在问题并退出。 该示例使用可在 64 位 Project 安装或 32 位 Project 安装中运行的 Sleep 方法。

Option Explicit

#If Win64 Then
    Private Declare PtrSafe Sub Sleep Lib "kernel32" (ByVal dwMilliseconds As LongLong)
    Private Declare Sub Sleep Lib "kernel32" (ByVal dwMilliseconds As Long)
#End If

' Save and publish the active project; wait for the queue after each operation.
Sub TestCacheStatus()
    Const millisec2Wait = 500   ' Number of milliseconds to sleep between status messages.
    If WaitForJob(PjJobType.pjCacheProjectSave, millisec2Wait) Then
        Debug.Print "Save completed ..."
        If WaitForJob(PjJobType.pjCacheProjectPublish, millisec2Wait) Then
            Debug.Print "Publish completed: " & ActiveProject.Name
        End If
        Debug.Print "Save job not completed"
    End If
End Sub

' Check the cache job state for a save, publish, or check-in operation.
Function WaitForJob(job As PjJobType, msWait As Long) As Boolean
    ' Number of times the same job status is repeated until WaitForJob exits with error.
    Const repeatedLimit = 10
    Dim jobState As Integer
    Dim previousJobState As Integer
    Dim bail As Integer
    Dim jobType As String
#If Win64 Then
    Dim millisec As LongLong
    millisec = CLngLng(msWait)
    Dim millisec As Long
    millisec = msWait
#End If

    WaitForJob = True
    Select Case job
        Case PjJobType.pjCacheProjectSave
            jobType = "Save"
        Case PjJobType.pjCacheProjectPublish
            jobType = "Publish"
        Case PjJobType.pjCacheProjectCheckin
            jobType = "Checkin"
        Case Else
            jobType = "unknown"
    End Select

    bail = 0
    If (jobType = "unknown") Then
        WaitForJob = False
            jobState = Application.GetCacheStatusForProject(ActiveProject.Name, job)
            Debug.Print jobType & " job state: " & jobState
            ' Bail out if something is wrong.
            If jobState = previousJobState Then bail = bail + 1
            If bail > repeatedLimit Then
                WaitForJob = False
                Exit Do
            End If
            previousJobState = jobState
            Sleep (msWait)
        Loop While Not (jobState = PjCacheJobState.pjCacheJobStateSuccess)
    End If
End Function

下面是状态消息之间等待 500 毫秒的输出。 如果网络延迟较大,请设置更长的间隔等待时间。 若要查找输出值的含义,请参阅 PjCacheJobState 枚举。 例如,值 4pjCacheJobStateSuccess 常量。 如果在未对项目进行更改时运行 TestCacheStatus ,则保存作业状态将多次重复为 -1,这是 pjCacheJobStateInvalid 常量的值。

Save job state: 4
Save completed ...
Publish job state: -1
Publish job state: 3
Publish job state: 3
Publish job state: 4
Publish completed: WinProj test 1




PjCacheJobState 枚举PjJobType 枚举


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