TableDefs 集合 (DAO)

适用于 Access 2013 | Office 2013

TableDefs 集合包含数据库中所有存储的 TableDef 对象(仅适用于 Microsoft Access 工作区)。


通过使用 TableDef 对象及其方法和属性来操作表定义。

Database 对象的默认集合为 TableDefs 集合。

若要按照序号或 Name 属性设置来引用集合中的 TableDef 对象,可以使用下列任何一种语法形式:




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以下示例创建一个新的 TableDef 对象,并将其追加到 Northwind Database 对象的 TableDefs 集合。 然后,该示例枚举 TableDefs 集合和新 TableDefProperties 集合。

    Sub TableDefX() 
       Dim dbsNorthwind As Database 
       Dim tdfNew As TableDef 
       Dim tdfLoop As TableDef 
       Dim prpLoop As Property 
       Set dbsNorthwind = OpenDatabase("Northwind.mdb") 
       ' Create new TableDef object, append Field objects  
       ' to its Fields collection, and append TableDef  
       ' object to the TableDefs collection of the  
       ' Database object. 
       Set tdfNew = dbsNorthwind.CreateTableDef("NewTableDef") 
       tdfNew.Fields.Append tdfNew.CreateField("Date", dbDate) 
       dbsNorthwind.TableDefs.Append tdfNew 
       With dbsNorthwind 
          Debug.Print .TableDefs.Count & _ 
             " TableDefs in " & .Name 
          ' Enumerate TableDefs collection. 
          For Each tdfLoop In .TableDefs 
             Debug.Print "  " & tdfLoop.Name 
          Next tdfLoop 
          With tdfNew 
             Debug.Print "Properties of " & .Name 
             ' Enumerate Properties collection of new 
             ' TableDef object, only printing properties 
             ' with non-empty values. 
             For Each prpLoop In .Properties 
                Debug.Print "  " & prpLoop.Name & " - " & _ 
                   IIf(prpLoop = "", "[empty]", prpLoop) 
             Next prpLoop 
          End With 
          ' Delete new TableDef since this is a  
          ' demonstration. 
          .TableDefs.Delete tdfNew.Name 
       End With 
    End Sub 

此示例将在 Northwind 数据库中新建一个 TableDef 对象。

Sub CreateTableDefX() 
   Dim dbsNorthwind As Database 
   Dim tdfNew As TableDef 
   Dim prpLoop As Property 
   Set dbsNorthwind = OpenDatabase("Northwind.mdb") 
   ' Create a new TableDef object. 
   Set tdfNew = dbsNorthwind.CreateTableDef("Contacts") 
   With tdfNew 
      ' Create fields and append them to the new TableDef  
      ' object. This must be done before appending the  
      ' TableDef object to the TableDefs collection of the  
      ' Northwind database. 
      .Fields.Append .CreateField("FirstName", dbText) 
      .Fields.Append .CreateField("LastName", dbText) 
      .Fields.Append .CreateField("Phone", dbText) 
      .Fields.Append .CreateField("Notes", dbMemo) 
      Debug.Print "Properties of new TableDef object " & _ 
         "before appending to collection:" 
      ' Enumerate Properties collection of new TableDef  
      ' object. 
      For Each prpLoop In .Properties 
         On Error Resume Next 
         If prpLoop <> "" Then Debug.Print "  " & _ 
           prpLoop.Name & " = " & prpLoop 
         On Error GoTo 0 
      Next prpLoop 
      ' Append the new TableDef object to the Northwind  
      ' database. 
      dbsNorthwind.TableDefs.Append tdfNew 
      Debug.Print "Properties of new TableDef object " & _ 
         "after appending to collection:" 
      ' Enumerate Properties collection of new TableDef  
      ' object. 
      For Each prpLoop In .Properties 
         On Error Resume Next 
         If prpLoop <> "" Then Debug.Print "  " & _ 
           prpLoop.Name & " = " & prpLoop 
         On Error GoTo 0 
      Next prpLoop 
   End With 
   ' Delete new TableDef object since this is a  
   ' demonstration. 
   dbsNorthwind.TableDefs.Delete "Contacts" 