关系集合 (DAO)

适用于:Access 2013、Office 2013

Relations 集合包含 Database 对象的存储的 Relation 对象(仅适用于 Microsoft Access 数据库引擎数据库)。


可以使用 Relation 对象创建新关系并检查数据库中的现有关系。 若要向 Relations 集合添加 Relation 对象,请首先使用 CreateRelation 方法创建该对象,然后使用 Append 方法将其追加到 Relations 集合中。 此操作会导致在您关闭 Database 对象时保存 Relation 对象。 若要从集合中删除 Relation 对象,请使用 Delete 方法。

若要按照序号或 Name 属性设置来引用集合中的 Relation 对象,可以使用下列任何一种语法形式:


关系 (“name”)



以下示例演示现有的 Relation 对象如何控制数据输入。 此过程尝试添加一个具有有意弄错的 CategoryID 的记录,从而触发错误处理例程。

    Sub RelationX() 
     Dim dbsNorthwind As Database 
     Dim rstProducts As Recordset 
     Dim prpLoop As Property 
     Dim fldLoop As Field 
     Dim errLoop As Error 
     Set dbsNorthwind = OpenDatabase("Northwind.mdb") 
     Set rstProducts = dbsNorthwind.OpenRecordset("Products") 
     ' Print a report showing all the different parts of 
     ' the relation and where each part is stored. 
     With dbsNorthwind.Relations!CategoriesProducts 
     Debug.Print "Properties of " & .Name & " Relation" 
     Debug.Print " Table = " & .Table 
     Debug.Print " ForeignTable = " & .ForeignTable 
     Debug.Print "Fields of " & .Name & " Relation" 
     With .Fields!CategoryID 
     Debug.Print " " & .Name 
     Debug.Print " Name = " & .Name 
     Debug.Print " ForeignName = " & .ForeignName 
     End With 
     End With 
     ' Attempt to add a record that violates the relation. 
     With rstProducts 
     !ProductName = "Trygve's Lutefisk" 
     !CategoryID = 10 
     On Error GoTo Err_Relation 
     On Error GoTo 0 
     End With 
     Exit Sub 
     ' Notify user of any errors that result from 
     ' the invalid data. 
     If DBEngine.Errors.Count > 0 Then 
     For Each errLoop In DBEngine.Errors 
     MsgBox "Error number: " & errLoop.Number & _ 
     vbCr & errLoop.Description 
     Next errLoop 
     End If 
     Resume Next 
    End Sub 

以下示例使用 CreateRelation 方法在 Employees TableDef 和名为 Departments 的新的 TableDef 之间创建一个 Relation。 它还演示了创建新 关系 如何在外部表中创建任何必要的 索引 , (Employees 表中的 DepartmentsEmployees 索引) 。

    Sub CreateRelationX() 
     Dim dbsNorthwind As Database 
     Dim tdfEmployees As TableDef 
     Dim tdfNew As TableDef 
     Dim idxNew As Index 
     Dim relNew As Relation 
     Dim idxLoop As Index 
     Set dbsNorthwind = OpenDatabase("Northwind.mdb") 
     With dbsNorthwind 
     ' Add new field to Employees table. 
     Set tdfEmployees = .TableDefs!Employees 
     tdfEmployees.Fields.Append _ 
     tdfEmployees.CreateField("DeptID", dbInteger, 2) 
     ' Create new Departments table. 
     Set tdfNew = .CreateTableDef("Departments") 
     With tdfNew 
     ' Create and append Field objects to Fields 
     ' collection of the new TableDef object. 
     .Fields.Append .CreateField("DeptID", dbInteger, 2) 
     .Fields.Append .CreateField("DeptName", dbText, 20) 
     ' Create Index object for Departments table. 
     Set idxNew = .CreateIndex("DeptIDIndex") 
     ' Create and append Field object to Fields 
     ' collection of the new Index object. 
     idxNew.Fields.Append idxNew.CreateField("DeptID") 
     ' The index in the primary table must be Unique in 
     ' order to be part of a Relation. 
     idxNew.Unique = True 
     .Indexes.Append idxNew 
     End With 
     .TableDefs.Append tdfNew 
     ' Create EmployeesDepartments Relation object, using 
     ' the names of the two tables in the relation. 
     Set relNew = .CreateRelation("EmployeesDepartments", _ 
     tdfNew.Name, tdfEmployees.Name, _ 
     ' Create Field object for the Fields collection of the 
     ' new Relation object. Set the Name and ForeignName 
     ' properties based on the fields to be used for the 
     ' relation. 
     relNew.Fields.Append relNew.CreateField("DeptID") 
     relNew.Fields!DeptID.ForeignName = "DeptID" 
     .Relations.Append relNew 
     ' Print report. 
     Debug.Print "Properties of " & relNew.Name & _ 
     " Relation" 
     Debug.Print " Table = " & relNew.Table 
     Debug.Print " ForeignTable = " & _ 
     Debug.Print "Fields of " & relNew.Name & " Relation" 
     With relNew.Fields!DeptID 
     Debug.Print " " & .Name 
     Debug.Print " Name = " & .Name 
     Debug.Print " ForeignName = " & .ForeignName 
     End With 
     Debug.Print "Indexes in " & tdfEmployees.Name & _ 
     " TableDef" 
     For Each idxLoop In tdfEmployees.Indexes 
     Debug.Print " " & idxLoop.Name & _ 
     ", Foreign = " & idxLoop.Foreign 
     Next idxLoop 
     ' Delete new objects because this is a demonstration. 
     .Relations.Delete relNew.Name 
     .TableDefs.Delete tdfNew.Name 
     tdfEmployees.Fields.Delete "DeptID" 
     End With 
    End Sub