Recordset2.BatchSize 属性 (DAO)

适用于:Access 2013、Office 2013


表达式 。BatchSize

表达 一个代表 Recordset2 对象的变量。


BatchSize 属性确定在批更新中将语句发送到服务器时使用的批大小。 该属性的值决定了在一个命令缓冲中发送到服务器的语句数。 默认情况下,在每次批处理中将 15 个语句发送到服务器。 可以随时更改该属性。 如果数据库服务器不支持语句批处理,可以将该属性设置为 1,这样就会导致单独发送每个语句。


以下示例使用 BatchSizeUpdateOptions 属性控制指定的 Recordset 对象的任何批更新的各个方面。

Sub BatchSizeX() 
 Dim wrkMain As Workspace 
 Dim conMain As Connection 
 Dim rstTemp As Recordset2 
 Set wrkMain = CreateWorkspace("ODBCWorkspace", _ 
 "admin", "", dbUseODBC) 
 ' This DefaultCursorDriver setting is required for 
 ' batch updating. 
 wrkMain.DefaultCursorDriver = dbUseClientBatchCursor 
 ' Note: The DSN referenced below must be configured to 
 ' use Microsoft Windows NT Authentication Mode to 
 ' authorize user access to the Microsoft SQL Server. 
 Set conMain = wrkMain.OpenConnection("Publishers", _ 
 dbDriverNoPrompt, False, _ 
 ' The following locking argument is required for 
 ' batch updating. 
 Set rstTemp = conMain.OpenRecordset( _ 
 "SELECT * FROM roysched", dbOpenDynaset, 0, _ 
 With rstTemp 
 ' Increase the number of statements sent to the server 
 ' during a single batch update, thereby reducing the 
 ' number of times an update would have to access the 
 ' server. 
 .BatchSize = 25 
 ' Change the UpdateOptions property so that the WHERE 
 ' clause of any batched statements going to the server 
 ' will include any updated columns in addition to the 
 ' key column(s). Also, any modifications to records 
 ' will be made by deleting the original record 
 ' and adding a modified version rather than just 
 ' modifying the original record. 
 .UpdateOptions = dbCriteriaModValues + _ 
 ' Engage in batch updating using the new settings 
 ' above. 
 ' ... 
 End With 
End Sub