import { LiveShareHost } from "@microsoft/teams-js";
import {
} from "@microsoft/live-share-react";
import { useState } from "react";
export const App = () => {
// Create the host as React state so that it doesn't get reset on mount
const [host] = useState(LiveShareHost.create());
// Live Share for React does not require that you define a custom Fluid schema
return (
<LiveShareProvider host={host} joinOnLoad>
<LiveShareLoading />
const LiveShareLoading = () => {
// Any live-share-react hook (e.g., useLiveShareContext, useLiveState, etc.) must be a child of <LiveShareProvider>
const { joined } = useLiveShareContext();
if (joined) {
return <p>{"Loading..."}</p>;
return <p>{"Your app here..."}</p>;
设置容器并加入映射到会议、聊天或频道的会话时,只需完成这些操作。 现在,让我们回顾一下可与 Live Share SDK 一起使用的不同类型的分布式数据结构。
import {
} from "@microsoft/live-share";
import { LiveShareHost } from "@microsoft/teams-js";
// Join the Fluid container
const host = LiveShareHost.create();
const liveShare = new LiveShareClient(host);
const schema = {
initialObjects: {
presence: LivePresence,
const { container } = await liveShare.joinContainer(schema);
const presence = container.initialObjects.presence;
// Register listener for changes to each user's presence.
// This should be done before calling `.initialize()`.
presence.on("presenceChanged", (user, local) => {
console.log("A user presence changed:");
console.log("- display name:", user.displayName);
console.log("- state:", user.state);
console.log("- custom data:",;
console.log("- change from local client", local);
console.log("- change impacts local user", user.isLocalUser);
// Define the initial custom data for the local user (optional).
const customUserData = {
readyToStart: false,
// Start receiving incoming presence updates from the session.
// This will also broadcast the user's `customUserData` to others in the session.
await presence.initialize(customUserData);
// Send a presence update, in this case once a user is ready to start an activity.
// If using role verification, this will throw an error if the user doesn't have the required role.
await presence.update({
readyToStart: true,
import {
} from "@microsoft/live-share";
import { LiveShareHost } from "@microsoft/teams-js";
// Declare interface for type of custom data for user
interface ICustomUserData {
picture: string;
readyToStart: boolean;
// Join the Fluid container
const host = LiveShareHost.create();
const liveShare = new LiveShareClient(host);
const schema = {
initialObjects: {
presence: LivePresence<ICustomUserData>,
const { container } = await liveShare.joinContainer(schema);
// Force casting is necessary because Fluid does not maintain type recognition for `container.initialObjects`.
// Casting here is always safe, as the `initialObjects` is constructed based on the schema you provide to `.joinContainer`.
const presence = container.initialObjects.presence as unknown as LivePresence<ICustomUserData>;
// Register listener for changes to each user's presence.
// This should be done before calling `.initialize()`.
presence.on("presenceChanged", (user: LivePresenceUser<ICustomUserData>, local: boolean) => {
console.log("A user presence changed:")
console.log("- display name:", user.displayName);
console.log("- custom data:",;
console.log("- state:", user.state);
console.log("- roles", user.roles);
console.log("- change from local client", local);
console.log("- change impacts local user", user.isLocalUser);
// Define the initial custom data for the local user (optional).
const customUserData: ICustomUserData = {
readyToStart: false,
// Start receiving incoming presence updates from the session.
// This will also broadcast the user's `customUserData` to others in the session.
await presence.initialize(customUserData);
// Send a presence update, in this case once a user is ready to start an activity.
// If using role verification, this will throw an error if the user doesn't have the required role.
await presence.update({
readyToStart: true,
import { useLivePresence } from "@microsoft/live-share-react";
// Define a unique key that differentiates this usage of `useLivePresence` from others in your app
const MY_UNIQUE_KEY = "presence-key";
// Example component for using useLivePresence
export const MyCustomPresence = () => {
const { allUsers, localUser, updatePresence } = useLivePresence(MY_UNIQUE_KEY, {
readyToStart: false,
// Callback to update the user's presence
const onToggleReady = () => {
readyToStart: !,
// Render UI
return (
{ => (
<div key={user.userId}>
{`Ready: ${}`}
{user.isLocalUser && (
<button onClick={onToggleReady}>
{"Toggle ready"}
从单个设备加入会话的用户有一 LivePresenceUser 条共享到其所有设备的记录。 若要访问每个活动连接的最新 data 和 state ,可以使用 类中的 getConnections() API LivePresenceUser 。 这将返回对象的列表 LivePresenceConnection 。 可以使用 属性查看给定 LivePresenceConnection 实例是否来自本地设备 isLocalConnection 。
import { LiveShareClient, LiveState } from "@microsoft/live-share";
import { LiveShareHost } from "@microsoft/teams-js";
// Join the Fluid container
const host = LiveShareHost.create();
const liveShare = new LiveShareClient(host);
const schema = {
initialObjects: { appState: LiveState },
const { container } = await liveShare.joinContainer(schema);
const { appState } = container.initialObjects;
// Register listener for changes to the state.
// This should be done before calling `.initialize()`.
appState.on("stateChanged", (planetName, local, clientId) => {
// Update app with newly selected planet.
// See which user made the change (optional)
const clientInfo = await appState.getClientInfo(clientId);
// Set a default value and start listening for changes.
// This default value will not override existing for others in the session.
const defaultState = "Mercury";
await appState.initialize(defaultState);
// `.set()` will change the state for everyone in the session.
// If using role verification, this will throw an error if the user doesn't have the required role.
await appState.set("Earth");
import { LiveShareClient, LiveState } from "@microsoft/live-share";
import { LiveShareHost } from "@microsoft/teams-js";
enum PlanetName {
MERCURY = "Mercury",
VENUS = "Venus",
EARTH = "Earth",
MARS = "Mars",
JUPITER = "Jupiter",
SATURN = "Saturn",
URANUS = "Uranus",
NEPTUNE = "Neptune",
// Join the Fluid container
const host = LiveShareHost.create();
const liveShare = new LiveShareClient(host);
const schema = {
initialObjects: {
appState: LiveState<PlanetName>,
const { container } = await liveShare.joinContainer(schema);
// Force casting is necessary because Fluid does not maintain type recognition for `container.initialObjects`.
// Casting here is always safe, as the `initialObjects` is constructed based on the schema you provide to `.joinContainer`.
const appState = container.initialObjects.appState as unknown as LiveState<PlanetName>;
// Register listener for changes to the state.
// This should be done before calling `.initialize()`.
appState.on("stateChanged", async (planetName: PlanetName, local: boolean, clientId: string) => {
// Update app with newly selected planet
// See which user made the change (optional)
const clientInfo = await appState.getClientInfo(clientId);
// Set a default value and start listening for changes.
// This default value will not override existing for others in the session.
const defaultState = PlanetName.MERCURY;
await appState.initialize(defaultState);
// `.set()` will change the state for everyone in the session.
// If using role verification, this will throw an error if the user doesn't have the required role.
await appState.set(PlanetName.EARTH);
import { useLiveState } from "@microsoft/live-share-react";
const planets = [
// Define a unique key that differentiates this usage of `useLiveState` from others in your app
const MY_UNIQUE_KEY = "selected-planet-key";
// Example component for using useLiveState
export const MyCustomState = () => {
const [planet, setPlanet] = useLiveState(MY_UNIQUE_KEY, planets[0]);
// Render UI
return (
{`Current planet: ${planet}`}
{"Select a planet below:"}
{ => (
onClick={() => {
import { LiveEvent, LiveShareClient } from "@microsoft/live-share";
import { LiveShareHost } from "@microsoft/teams-js";
// Join the Fluid container
const host = LiveShareHost.create();
const liveShare = new LiveShareClient(host);
const schema = {
initialObjects: { customReactionEvent: LiveEvent },
const { container } = await liveShare.joinContainer(schema);
const { customReactionEvent } = container.initialObjects;
// Register listener to receive events sent through this object.
// This should be done before calling `.initialize()`.
customReactionEvent.on("received", async (kudosReaction, local, clientId) => {
console.log("Received reaction:", kudosReaction, "from clientId", clientId);
// See which user made the change (optional)
const clientInfo = await customReactionEvent.getClientInfo(clientId);
// Display notification in your UI
// Start listening for incoming events
await customReactionEvent.initialize();
// `.send()` will send your event value to everyone in the session.
// If using role verification, this will throw an error if the user doesn't have the required role.
const kudosReaction = {
emoji: "❤️",
await customReactionEvent.send(kudosReaction);
import { LiveShareClient, LiveEvent } from "@microsoft/live-share";
import { LiveShareHost } from "@microsoft/teams-js";
// Declare interface for type of custom data for user
interface ICustomReaction {
emoji: string,
// Join the Fluid container
const host = LiveShareHost.create();
const liveShare = new LiveShareClient(host);
const schema = {
initialObjects: {
customReactionEvent: LiveEvent<ICustomEvent>,
const { container } = await liveShare.joinContainer(schema);
// Force casting is necessary because Fluid does not maintain type recognition for `container.initialObjects`.
// Casting here is always safe, as the `initialObjects` is constructed based on the schema you provide to `.joinContainer`.
const customReactionEvent = container.initialObjects.customReactionEvent as unknown as LiveEvent<ICustomReaction>;
// Register listener to receive events sent through this object.
// This should be done before calling `.initialize()`.
customReactionEvent.on("received", async (event: ICustomReaction, local: boolean, clientId: string) => {
console.log("Received reaction:", kudosReaction, "from clientId", clientId);
// See which user made the change (optional)
const clientInfo = await customReactionEvent.getClientInfo(clientId);
// Display notification in your UI
// Start listening for incoming events
await customReactionEvent.initialize();
// `.send()` will send your event value to everyone in the session.
// If using role verification, this will throw an error if the user doesn't have the required role.
const kudosReaction: ICustomReaction = {
emoji: "❤️",
await customReactionEvent.send(kudosReaction);
import { useLiveEvent } from "@microsoft/live-share-react";
const emojis = ["❤️", "😂", "👍", "👎"];
// Define a unique key that differentiates this usage of `useLiveEvent` from others in your app
const MY_UNIQUE_KEY = "event-key";
// Example component for using useLiveEvent
export const MyCustomEvent = () => {
const { latestEvent, sendEvent } = useLiveEvent(MY_UNIQUE_KEY);
// Render UI
return (
{`Latest event: ${latestEvent?.value}, from local user: ${latestEvent?.local}`}
{"Select a planet below:"}
{ => (
onClick={() => {
import { LiveShareClient, LiveTimer } from "@microsoft/live-share";
import { LiveShareHost } from "@microsoft/teams-js";
// Join the Fluid container
const host = LiveShareHost.create();
const liveShare = new LiveShareClient(host);
const schema = {
initialObjects: { timer: LiveTimer },
const { container } = await liveShare.joinContainer(schema);
const { timer } = container.initialObjects;
// Register listeners for timer changes
// This should be done before calling `.initialize()`.
// Register listener for when the timer starts its countdown
timer.on("started", (config, local) => {
// Update UI to show timer has started
// Register listener for when a paused timer has resumed
timer.on("played", (config, local) => {
// Update UI to show timer has resumed
// Register listener for when a playing timer has paused
timer.on("paused", (config, local) => {
// Update UI to show timer has paused
// Register listener for when a playing timer has finished
timer.on("finished", (config) => {
// Update UI to show timer is finished
// Register listener for the timer progressed by 20 milliseconds
timer.on("onTick", (milliRemaining) => {
// Update UI to show remaining time
// Start synchronizing timer events for users in session
await timer.initialize();
// Start a 60 second timer for users in the session.
// If using role verification, this will throw an error if the user doesn't have the required role.
const durationInMilliseconds = 1000 * 60;
await timer.start(durationInMilliseconds);
// Pause the timer for users in session
// If using role verification, this will throw an error if the user doesn't have the required role.
await timer.pause();
// Resume the timer for users in session
// If using role verification, this will throw an error if the user doesn't have the required role.
import {
} from "@microsoft/live-share";
import { LiveShareHost } from "@microsoft/teams-js";
// Join the Fluid container
const host = LiveShareHost.create();
const liveShare = new LiveShareClient(host);
const schema = {
initialObjects: { timer: LiveTimer },
const { container } = await liveShare.joinContainer(schema);
// Force casting is necessary because Fluid does not maintain type recognition for `container.initialObjects`.
// Casting here is always safe, as the `initialObjects` is constructed based on the schema you provide to `.joinContainer`.
const timer = container.initialObjects.timer as unknown as LiveTimer;
// Register listeners for timer changes
// This should be done before calling `.initialize()`.
// Register listener for when the timer starts its countdown
timer.on(LiveTimerEvents.started, (config: ITimerConfig, local: boolean) => {
// Update UI to show timer has started
// Register listener for when a paused timer has resumed
timer.on(LiveTimerEvents.played, (config: ITimerConfig, local: boolean) => {
// Update UI to show timer has resumed
// Register listener for when a playing timer has paused
timer.on(LiveTimerEvents.paused, (config: ITimerConfig, local: boolean) => {
// Update UI to show timer has paused
// Register listener for when a playing timer has finished
timer.on(LiveTimerEvents.finished, (config: ITimerConfig) => {
// Update UI to show timer is finished
// Register listener for the timer progressed by 20 milliseconds
timer.on(LiveTimerEvents.onTick, (milliRemaining: number) => {
// Update UI to show remaining time
// Start synchronizing timer events
await timer.initialize();
// Start a 60 second timer for users in session
// If using role verification, this will throw an error if the user doesn't have the required role.
const durationInMilliseconds = 1000 * 60;
await timer.start(durationInMilliseconds);
// Pause the timer for users in session
// If using role verification, this will throw an error if the user doesn't have the required role.
await timer.pause();
// Resume the timer for users in session
// If using role verification, this will throw an error if the user doesn't have the required role.
import { useLiveTimer } from "@microsoft/live-share-react";
// Define a unique key that differentiates this usage of `useLiveTimer` from others in your app
const MY_UNIQUE_KEY = "timer-key";
// Example component for using useLiveTimer
export function CountdownTimer() {
const { milliRemaining, timerConfig, start, pause, play } =
return (
onClick={() => {
start(60 * 1000);
{timerConfig === undefined ? "Start" : "Reset"}
{timerConfig !== undefined && (
onClick={() => {
if (timerConfig.running) {
} else {
{timerConfig.running ? "Pause" : "Play"}
{milliRemaining !== undefined && (
{`${Math.round(milliRemaining / 1000)} / ${
Math.round(timerConfig.duration) / 1000
import {
} from "@microsoft/live-share";
import { LiveShareHost } from "@microsoft/teams-js";
// Join the Fluid container
const host = LiveShareHost.create();
const liveShare = new LiveShareClient(host);
const schema = {
initialObjects: {
followMode: LiveFollowMode,
const { container } = await liveShare.joinContainer(schema);
const followMode = container.initialObjects.followMode;
// As an example, we will assume there is a button in the application document
const button = document.getElementById("action-button");
// As an example, we will assume there is a div with text showing the follow state
const infoText = document.getElementById("info-text");
// Register listener for changes to the `state` value to use in your app.
// This should be done before calling `.initialize()`.
followMode.on("stateChanged", (state, local, clientId) => {
console.log("The state changed:");
console.log("- state value:", state.value);
console.log("- follow mode type:", state.type);
console.log("- following user id:", state.followingUserId);
"- count of other users also following user",
"- state.value references local user's stateValue",
// Can optionally get the relevant user's presence object
const followingUser = followMode.getUserForClient(clientId);
switch (state.type) {
case FollowModeType.local: {
// Update app to reflect that the user isn't following anyone and there is no presenter.
infoText.innerHTML = "";
// Show a "Start presenting" button in your app.
button.innerHTML = "Start presenting";
button.onclick = followMode.startPresenting;
// Note: state.isLocalValue will be true.
case FollowModeType.activeFollowers: {
// Update app to reflect that the local user is being followed by other users.
infoText.innerHTML = `${state.otherUsersCount} users are following you`;
// Does not mean that the local user is presenting to everyone, so you can still show the "Start presenting" button.
button.innerHTML = "Present to all";
button.onclick = followMode.startPresenting;
// Note: state.isLocalValue will be true.
case FollowModeType.activePresenter: {
// Update app to reflect that the local user is actively presenting to everyone.
infoText.innerHTML = `You are actively presenting to everyone`;
// Show a "Stop presenting" button in your app.
button.innerHTML = "Stop presenting";
button.onclick = followMode.stopPresenting;
// Note: state.isLocalValue will be true.
case FollowModeType.followPresenter: {
// The local user is following a remote presenter.
infoText.innerHTML = `${followingUser?.displayName} is presenting to everyone`;
// Show a "Take control" button in your app.
button.innerHTML = "Take control";
button.onclick = followMode.startPresenting;
// Note: state.isLocalValue will be false.
case FollowModeType.suspendFollowPresenter: {
// The local user is following a remote presenter but has an active suspension.
infoText.innerHTML = `${followingUser?.displayName} is presenting to everyone`;
// Show a "Sync to presenter" button in your app.
button.innerHTML = "Sync to presenter";
button.onclick = followMode.endSuspension;
// Note: state.isLocalValue will be true.
case FollowModeType.followUser: {
// The local user is following a specific remote user.
infoText.innerHTML = `You are following ${followingUser?.displayName}`;
// Show a "Stop following" button in your app.
button.innerHTML = "Stop following";
button.onclick = followMode.stopFollowing;
// Note: state.isLocalValue will be false.
case FollowModeType.suspendFollowUser: {
// The local user is following a specific remote user but has an active suspension.
infoText.innerHTML = `You were following ${followingUser?.displayName}`;
// Show a "Resume following" button in your app.
button.innerHTML = "Resume following";
button.onclick = followMode.endSuspension;
// Note: state.isLocalValue will be true.
default: {
const newCameraPosition = state.value;
// TODO: apply new camera position
// Register listener for changes to each user's personal state updates.
// This should be done before calling `.initialize()`.
followMode.on("presenceChanged", (user, local) => {
console.log("A user presence changed:");
console.log("- display name:", user.displayName);
console.log("- state value:",;
console.log("- user id user is following:",;
console.log("- change from local client", local);
console.log("- change impacts local user", user.isLocalUser);
// As an example, we will assume there is a button for each user in the session.
document.getElementById(`follow-user-${user.userId}-button`).onclick = () => {
// Update 3D scene to reflect this user's camera position (e.g., orb + display name)
const userCameraPosition =;
// Define the initial stateValue for the local user (optional).
const startingCameraPosition = {
x: 0,
y: 0,
z: 0,
// Start receiving incoming presence updates from the session.
// This will also broadcast the user's `startingCameraPosition` to others in the session.
await followMode.initialize(startingCameraPosition);
// Example of an event listener for a camera position changed event.
// For something like a camera change event, you should use a debounce function to prevent sending updates too frequently.
// Note: it helps to distinguish changes initiated by the local user (e.g., drag mouse) separately from other change events.
function onCameraPositionChanged(position, isUserAction) {
// Broadcast change to other users so that they have their latest camera position
// If the local user changed the position while following another user, we want to suspend.
// Note: helps to distinguish changes initiated by the local user (e.g., drag mouse) separately from other change events.
if (!isUserAction) return;
switch (state.type) {
case FollowModeType.followPresenter:
case FollowModeType.followUser: {
// This will trigger a "stateChanged" event update for the local user only.
default: {
// No need to suspend for other types
import {
} from "@microsoft/live-share";
import { LiveShareHost } from "@microsoft/teams-js";
// Declare interface for custom data to synchronize with LiveFollowMode.
// In this example, we are synchronizing the camera position in a 3D scene.
interface ICameraPosition {
x: number;
y: number;
z: number;
// Join the Fluid container
const host = LiveShareHost.create();
const liveShare = new LiveShareClient(host);
const schema = {
initialObjects: {
followMode: LiveFollowMode<ICameraPosition>,
const { container } = await liveShare.joinContainer(schema);
// Force casting is necessary because Fluid does not maintain type recognition for `container.initialObjects`.
// Casting here is always safe, as the `initialObjects` is constructed based on the schema you provide to `.joinContainer`.
const followMode = container.initialObjects.followMode as unknown as LiveFollowMode<ICameraPosition>;
// As an example, we will assume there is a button in the application document
const button = document.getElementById("action-button");
// As an example, we will assume there is a div with text showing the follow state
const infoText = document.getElementById("info-text");
// Register listener for changes to the `state` value to use in your app.
// This should be done before calling `.initialize()`.
followMode.on("stateChanged", (state: IFollowModeState<ICameraPosition>, local: boolean, clientId: string) => {
console.log("The state changed:");
console.log("- state value:", state.value);
console.log("- follow mode type:", state.type);
console.log("- following user id:", state.followingUserId);
console.log("- count of other users also following user", state.otherUsersCount);
console.log("- state.value references local user's stateValue", state.isLocalValue);
// Can optionally get the relevant user's presence object
const followingUser = followMode.getUserForClient(clientId);
switch (state.type) {
case FollowModeType.local: {
// Update app to reflect that the user isn't following anyone and there is no presenter.
infoText.innerHTML = "";
// Show a "Start presenting" button in your app.
button.innerHTML = "Start presenting";
button.onclick = followMode.startPresenting;
// Note: state.isLocalValue will be true.
case FollowModeType.activeFollowers: {
// Update app to reflect that the local user is being followed by other users.
infoText.innerHTML = `${state.otherUsersCount} users are following you`;
// Does not mean that the local user is presenting to everyone, so you can still show the "Start presenting" button.
button.innerHTML = "Present to all";
button.onclick = followMode.startPresenting;
// Note: state.isLocalValue will be true.
case FollowModeType.activePresenter: {
// Update app to reflect that the local user is actively presenting to everyone.
infoText.innerHTML = `You are actively presenting to everyone`;
// Show a "Stop presenting" button in your app.
button.innerHTML = "Stop presenting";
button.onclick = followMode.stopPresenting;
// Note: state.isLocalValue will be true.
case FollowModeType.followPresenter: {
// The local user is following a remote presenter.
infoText.innerHTML = `${followingUser?.displayName} is presenting to everyone`;
// Show a "Take control" button in your app.
button.innerHTML = "Take control";
button.onclick = followMode.startPresenting;
// Note: state.isLocalValue will be false.
case FollowModeType.suspendFollowPresenter: {
// The local user is following a remote presenter but has an active suspension.
infoText.innerHTML = `${followingUser?.displayName} is presenting to everyone`;
// Show a "Sync to presenter" button in your app.
button.innerHTML = "Sync to presenter";
button.onclick = followMode.endSuspension;
// Note: state.isLocalValue will be true.
case FollowModeType.followUser: {
// The local user is following a specific remote user.
infoText.innerHTML = `You are following ${followingUser?.displayName}`;
// Show a "Stop following" button in your app.
button.innerHTML = "Stop following";
button.onclick = followMode.stopFollowing;
// Note: state.isLocalValue will be false.
case FollowModeType.suspendFollowUser: {
// The local user is following a specific remote user but has an active suspension.
infoText.innerHTML = `You were following ${followingUser?.displayName}`;
// Show a "Resume following" button in your app.
button.innerHTML = "Resume following";
button.onclick = followMode.endSuspension;
// Note: state.isLocalValue will be true.
default: {
const newCameraPosition = state.value;
// TODO: apply new camera position
// Optionally, you can register a listener for changes to each user's personal state updates.
// This should be done before calling `.initialize()`.
followMode.on("presenceChanged", (user: FollowModePresenceUser<ICameraPosition>, local: boolean) => {
console.log("A user presence changed:");
console.log("- display name:", user.displayName);
console.log("- state value:",;
console.log("- userId that user is following:",;
console.log("- change from local client", local);
console.log("- change impacts local user", user.isLocalUser);
// As an example, we will assume there is a button for each user in the session.
document.getElementById(`follow-user-${user.userId}-button`)!.onclick = () => {
// Update 3D scene to reflect this user's camera position (e.g., orb + display name)
const userCameraPosition =;
// Define the initial stateValue for the local user (optional).
const startingCameraPosition: ICameraPosition = {
x: 0,
y: 0,
z: 0,
// Start receiving incoming presence updates from the session.
// This will also broadcast the user's `startingCameraPosition` to others in the session.
await followMode.initialize(startingCameraPosition);
// Example of an event listener for a camera position changed event.
// For something like a camera change event, you should use a debounce function to prevent sending updates too frequently.
// Note: it helps to distinguish changes initiated by the local user (e.g., drag mouse) separately from other change events.
function onCameraPositionChanged(position: ICameraPosition, isUserAction: boolean) {
// Broadcast change to other users so that they have their latest camera position
// If the local user changed the position while following another user, we want to suspend.
// Note: helps to distinguish changes initiated by the local user (e.g., drag mouse) separately from other change events.
if (!isUserAction) return;
switch (state.type) {
case FollowModeType.followPresenter:
case FollowModeType.followUser: {
// This will trigger a "stateChanged" event update for the local user only.
default: {
// No need to suspend for other types
import { FollowModeType } from "@microsoft/live-share";
import { useLiveFollowMode } from "@microsoft/live-share-react";
// As an example, we will use a fake component to denote what a 3D viewer might look like in an app
import { Example3DModelViewer } from "./components";
// Define a unique key that differentiates this usage of `useLiveFollowMode` from others in your app
const MY_UNIQUE_KEY = "follow-mode-key";
// Define the initial stateValue for the local user (optional).
const startingCameraPosition = {
x: 0,
y: 0,
z: 0,
// Example component for using useLiveFollowMode
export const MyLiveFollowMode = () => {
const {
} = useLiveFollowMode(MY_UNIQUE_KEY, startingCameraPosition);
// Example of an event listener for a camera position changed event.
// For something like a camera change event, you should use a debounce function to prevent sending updates too frequently.
// Note: it helps to distinguish changes initiated by the local user (e.g., drag mouse) separately from other change events.
function onCameraPositionChanged(position, isUserAction) {
// Broadcast change to other users so that they have their latest camera position
// If the local user changed the position while following another user, we want to suspend.
// Note: helps to distinguish changes initiated by the local user (e.g., drag mouse) separately from other change events.
if (!isUserAction) return;
switch (state.type) {
case FollowModeType.followPresenter:
case FollowModeType.followUser: {
// This will trigger a "stateChanged" event update for the local user only.
default: {
// No need to suspend for other types
// Can optionally get the relevant user's presence object
const followingUser = liveFollowMode?.getUser(state.followingUserId);
// Render UI
return (
{state.type === FollowModeType.local && (
<button onClick={startPresenting}>{"Start presenting"}</button>
{state.type === FollowModeType.activeFollowers && (
<p>{`${state.otherUsersCount} users are following you`}</p>
<button onClick={startPresenting}>{"Present to all"}</button>
{state.type === FollowModeType.activePresenter && (
<p>{`You are actively presenting to everyone`}</p>
<button onClick={stopPresenting}>{"Stop presenting"}</button>
{state.type === FollowModeType.followPresenter && (
<p>{`${followingUser?.displayName} is presenting to everyone`}</p>
<button onClick={startPresenting}>{"Take control"}</button>
{state.type === FollowModeType.suspendFollowPresenter && (
<p>{`${followingUser?.displayName} is presenting to everyone`}</p>
<button onClick={endSuspension}>{"Sync to presenter"}</button>
{state.type === FollowModeType.followUser && (
<p>{`You are following ${followingUser?.displayName}`}</p>
<button onClick={stopFollowing}>{"Stop following"}</button>
{state.type === FollowModeType.suspendFollowUser && (
<p>{`You were following ${followingUser?.displayName}`}</p>
<button onClick={stopFollowing}>{"Resume following"}</button>
<p>{"Follow a specific user:"}</p>
{ => (
onClick={() => {
import {
} from "@microsoft/live-share";
import {
} from "@microsoft/teams-js";
// Join the Fluid container
const host = LiveShareHost.create();
const liveShare = new LiveShareClient(host);
const schema = {
initialObjects: {
followMode: LiveFollowMode,
const { container } = await liveShare.joinContainer(schema);
const followMode = container.initialObjects.followMode;
// Get teamsJs context
const context = await app.getContext();
// Take control if in meetingStage context and local user is initial presenter
if ( === FrameContexts.meetingStage) {
// Take control if in meetingStage context and local user is initial presenter
meeting.getAppContentStageSharingState((error, state) => {
const isShareInitiator = state?.isShareInitiator;
if (!isShareInitiator) return;
// The user is the initial presenter, so we "take control"
await followMode.startPresenting();
// TODO: rest of app logic
import {
} from "@microsoft/live-share";
import {
} from "@microsoft/teams-js";
// Join the Fluid container
const host = LiveShareHost.create();
const liveShare = new LiveShareClient(host);
const schema = {
initialObjects: {
followMode: LiveFollowMode,
const { container } = await liveShare.joinContainer(schema);
// Force casting is necessary because Fluid does not maintain type recognition for `container.initialObjects`.
// Casting here is always safe, as the `initialObjects` is constructed based on the schema you provide to `.joinContainer`.
const followMode = container.initialObjects.followMode as unknown as LiveFollowMode;
// Get teamsJs context
const context: app.Context = await app.getContext();
// Take control if in meetingStage context and local user is initial presenter
if ( === FrameContexts.meetingStage) {
// Check if user is initial presenter
meeting.getAppContentStageSharingState((error, state) => {
// isShareInitiator isn't declared in the typedocs in the SDK, so we cast as any
const isShareInitiator = (state as any)?.isShareInitiator;
if (!isShareInitiator) return;
// The user is the initial presenter, so we "take control"
await followMode.startPresenting();
// TODO: rest of app logic
import { FollowModeType, LiveDataObjectInitializeState } from "@microsoft/live-share";
import { useLiveFollowMode } from "@microsoft/live-share-react";
import { useRef, useEffect, useState } from "react";
// As an example, we will use a fake component to denote what a 3D viewer might look like in an app
import { Example3DModelViewer } from "./components";
// Define a unique key that differentiates this usage of `useLiveFollowMode` from others in your app
const MY_UNIQUE_KEY = "follow-mode-key";
// Example component for using useLiveFollowMode
export const MyLiveFollowMode = () => {
const {
} = useLiveFollowMode(MY_UNIQUE_KEY, undefined);
const [isShareInitiator, setIsShareInitiator] = useState(false);
// Check if user is using app in meeting stage and is the initial presenter
useEffect(() => {
// Get teamsJs context
.then(async (context: app.Context) => {
if ( !== FrameContexts.meetingStage) return;
meeting.getAppContentStageSharingState((error, state) => {
// isShareInitiator isn't declared in the typedocs in the SDK, so we cast as any
const isShareInitiator = (state as any)?.isShareInitiator;
if (!isShareInitiator) return;
}, []);
// Take control if in meetingStage context and local user is initial presenter
useEffect(() => {
// Wait for liveFollowMode to be initialized
if (liveFollowMode?.initializeState !== LiveDataObjectInitializeState.succeeded) return;
// Skip if user is not the initial presenter
if (!isShareInitiator) return;
}, [liveFollowMode, startPresenting, isShareInitiator])
// TODO: proceed with rest of app setup
return (
Teams 中的会议包括通话、全手会议和在线教室。 会议参与者可能跨组织、具有不同的权限或具有不同的目标。 因此,在会议期间尊重不同用户角色的特权非常重要。 实时对象旨在支持角色验证,允许你定义允许为每个单独的实时对象发送消息的角色。 例如,你选择了仅允许会议演示者和组织者控制视频播放的选项。 但是,来宾和与会者仍可以请求观看下一个视频。
从 content 聊天或频道上下文访问 Live Share 时,所有用户都将具有 Organizer 和 Presenter 角色。
import {
} from "@microsoft/live-share";
import { LiveShareHost } from "@microsoft/teams-js";
import { SharedMap } from "fluid-framework";
* Detect whether you are in Teams or local environment using your preferred method.
* Options for this include: environment variables, URL params, Teams FX, etc.
const inTeams = process.env.IN_TEAMS;
// Join the Fluid container
const host = inTeams ? LiveShareHost.create() : TestLiveShareHost.create();
const liveShare = new LiveShareClient(host);
const schema = {
initialObjects: {
liveState: LiveState,
sharedMap: SharedMap,
const { container } = await liveShare.joinContainer(schema);
// ... ready to start app sync logic
import {
} from "@microsoft/live-share";
import { LiveShareHost } from "@microsoft/teams-js";
import { ContainerSchema, SharedMap } from "fluid-framework";
* Detect whether you are in Teams or local environment using your preferred method.
* Options for this include: environment variables, URL params, Teams FX, etc.
const inTeams = process.env.IN_TEAMS;
// Join the Fluid container
const host: ILiveShareHost = inTeams
? LiveShareHost.create()
: TestLiveShareHost.create();
const liveShare = new LiveShareClient(host);
const schema: ContainerSchema = {
initialObjects: {
exampleMap: SharedMap,
liveState: LiveState,
const { container } = await liveShare.joinContainer(schema);
// ... ready to start app sync logic
import { TestLiveShareHost } from "@microsoft/live-share";
import { LiveShareHost } from "@microsoft/teams-js";
import {
} from "@microsoft/live-share-react";
import { useState } from "react";
* Detect whether you are in Teams or local environment using your preferred method.
* Options for this include: environment variables, URL params, Teams FX, etc.
const inTeams = process.env.IN_TEAMS;
export const App = () => {
// Create the host as React state so that it doesn't get reset on mount
const [host] = useState(
inTeams ? LiveShareHost.create() : TestLiveShareHost.create()
// Live Share for React does not require that you define a custom Fluid schema
return (
<LiveShareProvider host={host} joinOnLoad>
<LiveShareLoading />
const LiveShareLoading = () => {
// Any live-share-react hook (e.g., useLiveShareContext, useLiveState, etc.) must be a child of <LiveShareProvider>
const { joined } = useLiveShareContext();
if (joined) {
return <p>{"Loading..."}</p>;
return <p>{"Your app here..."}</p>;