Module 4 - Sync ACLs

Test Case 14 - One-Click Export Secure Job Posting Test

Execution Steps
  1. Create an ACL.
  2. Create a new job posting and assign it to the ACL created above.
  3. Add one or more users to that ACL.
Expected Result
  1. Login to the system as one of the users you assigned the ACL to and ensure that the secure job posting is visible (One-Click Export).
  2. Login to the system as a user that was not assigned to the ACL you created and ensure that the securable job posting is not visible (One-Click Export).

Relevant Documentation: Sync ACLs

Test Case 15 - In-ATS Indicator Secure Job Posting Test

Execution Steps
  1. Sync a candidate and sync an application to the job associated to the ACL created from the last step. Add application notes, stages, etc. as needed.
  2. Add one or more users to the ACL created above.
Expected Result
  1. Login to the system as one of the users you assigned the ACL to and ensure that the secure job posting is visible In-ATS indicator.
  2. Login to the system as a user that was not assigned to the ACL you created and ensure that the securable job posting is not visible (In-ATS indicator).

Relevant Documentation: Relevant Documentation: Sync ACLs

Test Case 16 - Remove ACL Assignee Test

Execution Steps
  1. Remove user(s) from the ACL.
Expected Result
  1. Log in to the system as one of the users you removed from the ACL and ensure that they no longer can see secured job postings in the drop-down list of the One-Click Export feature and in the In-ATS Indicator for any candidate.

Relevant Documentation: Sync ACLs

Test Case 17 - Re-Add Deleted ACL Assignee Test

Execution Steps
  1. Re-add user(s) to the security group.
Expected Result
  1. Login to the system as one of the users you re-added to the ACL and ensure that they are able to see the secured job posting(s) in the dropdown list of the One-Click Export feature and in the In-ATS Indicator for any candidate.

Relevant Documentation: Sync ACLs